Mapping local initiatives against the THRIVE Framework’s five needs based groupings
Mapping local initiatives against the THRIVE Framework’s five needs based groupings The following slide has been created for sites who are starting to think about implementing the THRIVE Framework in their services for child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing. Implementing the THRIVE Framework can feel like a big undertaking but there are many principles of the Framework and aspects of implementation that will already be in place in your area or are being addressed by current or planned initiatives. It can help to have these mapped out against the core components of the THRIVE Framework for each needs-based grouping. The slides can be printed out in A3 and used as a cross sector group exercise during initial engagement sessions with the children’s workforce to map out recent service developments according to which THRIVE Framework needs grouping they relate to. Review the example case study to support your discussion Visit for more information.
Group Exercise: Mapping local provision 60 minutes: In your cross-sector tables map out the support available in your locality and any recent service developments according to THRIVE Framework needs-based grouping. 45 minutes: Feedback: Implementation already in place in your locality; Implementation that is being addressed by current or planned initiatives, and; Gaps in provision that needs to be prioritised going forward.
Population health and wellbeing promotion Getting Advice and Signposting Getting Help Short, evidence based interventions aligned with NICE Guidance Digital ‘front – end’ Single point of access with multi-agency assessment and effective signposting CYP IAPT A comprehensive network of community providers e.g. Youth Wellbeing Directory Wide variety of choice of modality and location, provided by health or alternatives (third sector, community providers etc.) Schools and primary care in-reach Outreach to hard-to-reach groups Outcomes plus goal based measures Thriving Self-help and peer support Population health and wellbeing promotion Universal prevention Selective prevention AMBiT: Integrated multi-agency approach with joint accountability for outcomes Longer, evidence-based interventions CYP IAPT Safety plans co-produced between agencies and young people Provided by health primarily Emphasis on developing personal support networks Outcomes plus goal based measures Self-help and peer support Getting Risk Support Getting More Help
Thriving: Successes
Getting Advice and Signposting: Successes
Getting More Help: Successes
Getting Risk Support: Successes
Getting Help: Successes
Thriving: Priorities
Getting Advice and Signposting: Priorities
Getting More Help: Priorities
Getting Risk Support: Priorities
Getting Help: Priorities