Bachelor Research Project 2018-2019 Harold Linnartz – HL501 – Diewertje van de Vlugt – O468 – Homepage:
Midterm evaluation. The midterm evaluation is informal and only intended to help you, to see where things are going well and where you could put more efforts into your BRP. Aim for an open and constructive discussion, prepare your questions. Rubric
Today: publications How to find a publication. √ How to read a publication. What to do before writing a publication. How to get a publication published. How to take care that others read your publication.
How to read a publication Title and Abstract / How old ? / Conclusions Involved authors and/or consortia Introduction / References (anything I missed) Approach Results Discussion Link work to your own research; interesting ? good base ? comparable ? overlap ? extension ? (in)direct relevance ? needed for the larger picture ?
What to do before writing a publication ? Questions to ask: Is there anything new and important in my work ? Is there a take home message I want to communicate ? Many good papers can be summarized in a one-liner. Who would be interested in what I have to say ? This determines the research field of the journal you should choose; there are many, many journals, but the number of really good ones is limited. Astronomy: ApJ, ApJL, A&A, MNRAS, … How important are my results ? This provides another constraint on the journal.
What to do before writing a publication ? Questions to ask: Impact factor ? Once the journal has been chosen, check the ‘author information’ on templates and other constraints. Politics: With whom am I going to write this publication Author list !!!!! Overview topics and clarify who is going to take care of which part ? Writing the paper is then a completely different story …
How to get a paper published Once written submit to editor and shortly motivate the relevance of your work. Editor will decide whether ms is useful and either send it out for review or send it back. Review: a complicated process ! Accept / Minor-moderate-major revision / Reject In most cases one or more re-submissions follow, with a rebuttal, and to be discussed with team of authors. Once the ms is accepted (congratulations) wait for the galley proofs / correct where needed. Enjoy your publication.
How to take care that your publication is read by others Advertise; put a preprint (copyright !) on the ArXiv. When really interesting (Science, Nature paper or very interesting result: go for a press release). Present your work at (inter)national meetings, refer to your paper or hand out copies, e.g. during a poster presentation. Cite related and your own work in future work – this will help linking papers. Check every now and then on WoS how your work is doing and don’t get frustrated !!
In two weeks 5 minutes midterm presentations Like kick-off talks … order will be changed