EU Water Framework Directive Intercalibration state of play and outlook for 2006-2007 Water Directors meeting Salzburg, 1-2 June 2006 Jorge Rodriguez Romero European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
Expected results and gaps This information has been extracted from GIG and ECOSTAT documents. However it reflects on-going work by the GIGs and therefore the final outcome may differ from the one presented. For fish, a specific solution will need to be found since none of the GIGs will be able to intercalibrate No intercalibration formally required for the Black Sea Coastal GIG yet.
Calendar 2006 Two products are foreseen: Technical report: prepared by JRC/ECOSTAT Commission Decision: prepared by DG ENV by extracting the intercalibration results from the technical report. Few articles plus Annex presenting results per GIG using a template ECOSTAT proposed calendar for technical report: First draft of the technical report will be available in July 2006 Final draft for Committee in November 2006
No full intercalibration by 2006 The intercalibration technical report may provide some technical justification The Commission believes that red boxes are not acceptable from the legal point of view – the Annex V WFD does not allow for a continuation or “opt out” for certain quality elements The Commission invites MS to provide their views on this Three levels of assessment have been identified: quality element, GIG and Member State
Results In accordance to WFD, intercalibration should be completed to inform the first RBMP If GIGs can deliver results for additional quality elements in 2007, it would be possible to use them for the first RBMP The publication of the results (Commission Decision) could include these other quality elements This will reduce red boxes and hence legal pressure Calendar can be kept the same for 2006 results, i.e. having agreement in the Committee in November 2006 2006 results should not be reviewed in 2007 except to add new types or new countries
Two options OPTION A OPTION B WGA: 1st draft technical report WFD COM: general agreement on technical report and first draft Decision WFD COM: formal opinion Adoption WGA: 1st draft technical report WGA: proposal 2007 WFD COM: general agreement on technical report, first draft Decision and GIG work programme 2007 WFD COM: formal opinion GIGs deliver further results WGA: tech report completed WFD COM: formal opinion (same as Mar 07 plus annexes) Adoption Jun 06 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 07 Feb Mar Apr May Jun 07 Dec 07
Estimated results and gaps Option B DG ENV estimation of the results potentially available in June 2007 based on GIGs Milestone 5 reports
Committee conclusions Option A and B are the same in terms of calendar for 2006 results (except final adoption by Commission) Option B is worth if the number of new results is significant WFD Committee agreed to request ECOSTAT to assess which further quality elements could be finalised by June 2007 The Committee can then discuss in October or November the final calendar and the legal issues raised.
Issues for discussion Timetable to maximise output from current process (Option A and B) Exchange of views on legal and political consequences of an incomplete intercalibration New solutions: “Default values” in case of absent intercalibration results Different reporting for “ecological status” of water bodies in the absence of quality elements not being monitored/classified