Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas. Name the google docs February 28, 2017 What is more valuable? Salt or Gold? Why do you think this?
Essential Question Why was gold and salt so valuable to the West African Empires?
Essential Standard 6.G.1.1 Explain how the physical features and human characteristics of a place influenced the development of civilizations, societies and regions. 6.E.1.2 Explain how quality of life is impacted by economic choices of civilizations, societies and regions.
Study every night
Talk about Little Rock 9.
. Write your first and last name, Copy this Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly . Write your first and last name, Copy this My child _______________studied the Social Studies guide for 10 minutes. February 27, 2017________ February 28, 2017________ March 1, 2017________ March 2, 2017________
Watch movie. iNIWqc
What is the uses of each of these? Salt Gold
In our society, salt is almost free but gold is very valuable In our society, salt is almost free but gold is very valuable. Why do you think is was equally valuable to the West African Kingdoms?
Watch movie on salt. cL-QI
Read about Gold and Salt Trade. de_routes_of_ancient_africa.php
Take quiz on reading de_routes_of_ancient_africa_questions.php
Test March 6, 2017
Get out a sheet of paper. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday row draw a picture of salt. Thursday and Friday row draw a picture of gold.
Now I will ask students to act out the gold and salt trade.
I am going to put you with a partner I am going to put you with a partner. Please choose between these options. Write a skit about the gold and salt trade in Ancient Western Africa. Write a song about the gold and salt trade Ancient Western Africa. Write a poem about the gold and salt trade Ancient Western Africa. Make a game about the gold and salt trade Ancient Western Africa.
Let students present.