Agenda *IR *Voice Lesson #3: Leyster + practice CEIEI *Time to discuss Synthesis Essay *Mini-Socratic Seminar: 2 (My Mother Pieced Quilts & Where Worlds Collide)
Welcome and Reminders (1/23/19) Vocab Unit 6: Full Quiz (NO notes), Tomorrow, 1/24 Unit Test this Friday! Study Guide was posted last night to the blog. FlipGrid – Did you post your intro? Tonight, you should comment on several! Create a conversation! Download the App or go to on a laptop/desktop 2nd Block: FlipGrid Code – jk6tjsl 3rd Block: FlipGrid Code – 9s9as38 Practice Mini-Socratic Seminars w/cold readings will be next week! 3rd Block ONLY: Tuesday, 2/5 you will go to A lunch! Please set a reminder in your phone now! Pre-Course Reading COMPLETED BY Monday, 1/28
Voice Lesson #3 You will examine a self-portrait by Judith Leyster, a famous painter. Think about how Leyster expresses her voice—her style or personality. Look carefully at the details of Leyster’s self-portrait.
Write About It What is Leyster saying about herself? Complete two sentences as if you were Leyster in this portrait. I am… I feel… Base your statements on the picture, not your own feelings. How do you know what Leyster is saying about herself? What evidence can you find in the picture that supports your statements?
Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait Confidence (smiling with full face; casually posed with arm propped on chair; lips parted as if she is about to speak; paused in her painting – looking at someone; could be self promotion advertising both her products and her talents; has a fistful of brushes; canvas shows her skills a type of painting – showing off her skills; caught her in the middle; arm propped on something uncomfortable; her clothing – dressed up – would she really where this while painting? Wanting to look professional/proper
How would you answer the following prompt? Partner Practice: Analyze the self-portrait. Consider the voice (style & personality) of the painting. Write a C-E-I paragraph analyzing the voice in the portrait. You should use 2-3 pieces of evidence from the painting to support your claim.
Intro to synthesis essay Time to determine groups Begin initial conversations about the thesis
Practice mini-socratic seminars