Making Better Use of the SPS Notification System Marlynne Hopper Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) WTO Public Forum 2009 "Global Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance"
Obligations under SPS Agreement Doesn’t a mechanism already exist to promote transparency in SPS measures? Obligations under SPS Agreement Advance notice of new / amended measures Over 10,250 since 1995 – publicly available Notification authorities and enquiry points Publication of SPS requirements
So what is the problem? NAs / NEPs exist in most countries, however: problems of effectiveness capacity constraints coordination challenges political considerations
WTO / STDF initiatives to enhance transparency Mentoring system Practical guidance for NAs and NEPs On-the-ground support through STDF projects STDF study to examine national coordination mechanisms in Africa
Experiences and lessons learned Importance of: high-level commitment and support effective coordination: public-public and public-private ensuring continuity and institutional memory enhancing transparency and substantive coordination in technical cooperation