Passive versus Active Voice You need: Pen/Pencil Sheet of Paper Making Verbs Work Passive versus Active Voice ELAGSE8L1b: I can distinguish between and use active and passive voice verb forms.
Active and Passive Voice??? Verbs provide the momentum of writing. Proper verb choice makes the difference between crisp, clear writing and bloated, clumsy writing. Let’s see in this video.
What is the difference? Active voice is when the subject does the action. Passive Voice is when the subject is the recipient of the action. Active: Lowell depicts a grim view of marriage. Passive: Marriage is depicted as grim by Lowell.
Active voice is generally stronger Both kinds of verbs are useful in writing. That’s why we have both. You need to rely on the active voice more than the passive.
Active Voice Uses direct action verbs Has a clearly defined actor and action Eliminates awkward tense shifts
Passive Voice Uses “to be” verb forms Emphasizes what was found, not who did the finding Can be wordy in the hands of amateurs
Which is more effective? Stay away from the hot wire. It can kill you. The hot wire should be avoided. You can be killed by it.
Good writers use both voices. Use active voice whenever possible. You need to know when to use one voice or the other, and when to use them together.
Let’s Practice Together… Part 1: Part 2: Watch clip of the movie, Ratatouille. As you watch, fill in the blanks for the 10 sentences at the top of your handout with the correct active form of the verb. Now, the fun part: Change all the sentences from the top of the handout to make them passive voice verbs. Let’s look at the first 4 together. Now, each group will take a sentence and change to passive voice and then we will share with the class.
Passive versus Active Voice You need: Pen/Pencil Active and Passive Verb Notes Making Verbs Work Passive versus Active Voice ELAGSE8L1b: I can distinguish between and use active and passive voice verb forms.
Now, you try… Part 1: Part 2: Now, let’s check your answers! On the handout provided to you, complete the following: Change the first 3 sentences from active to passive voice. Change the last 3 sentences from passive voice to active voice. Now, let’s check your answers! Watch this segment of The Ant Bully to find out if you are correct.
What did you learn today? Complete the Active/Passive Voice Practice handout. You will turn it in as you leave class today!