Presented By U.P. Prakasham Nebula Solutions Ltd. Welcome to
SMS Quiz – a cost effective and efficient system using minimum resources. (No Computers & No Internet Connection) Tests are events – creating multiple events in the same period using SMS Quiz integrates the learning process. Features
Easy and efficient Reach Small villages - in smaller towns, the availability of infrastructure like computers, internet connection may be limited, whereas, mobile phones are in plenty. Advantages
How it works ?
Answer Sheet is given to each student with Test ID & unique Answer Sheet No. Answer Sheet contains the multiple choices for all the 25 (or less) questions to be given for the test. Each Answer Sheet has a different order of answer choices. How it works ?
The questions will not be available on the sheet. The examiner who had set the paper may bring the slide show just a few minutes before the test begins. How it works ?
First the student has to Register his / her mobile number and the Answer Sheet Number (ASN) by sending an SMS as shown: How it works ?
NS REG Key Word - Compulsory Space Answer Sheet No. Student Name Test No. SMS Format for Registration
A response SMS will confirm the registration of the mobile number and the corresponding Answer Sheet Number How it works ?
Hi 4005, Welcome to SMS Quiz, Ur Mobile No. and Name Registered for Test No. T03 & Ans.Sheet No.105. Pls verify the given Ans.Sheet No. Best wishes,
Now they are ready for the test. At the designated time, the Questions will be displayed (with optional clues) on the screen, one by one using a Projector. Each Student has to circle the selected choice letter ( A, B, C or D ) for each question against the answer choices. How it works ?
Answer Not known
When all the 25 questions are displayed, the student need to enter the selected choices in the SMS format cells provided in the Answer Sheet. How it works ?
The alphabet X has to be entered for the questions not responded. Since the spaces are ignored, X will ensure the order for the forthcoming answers. More than 25 characters entered and the spaces at the end or at any position are ignored. How it works ?
All the students need to send an SMS to the designated Mobile Number as per the format shown: How it works ?
SMS Format for Evaluation NS RES Test No. Key Word - Compulsory Space - Optional Space Answer Sheet No.
Before sending the SMS it is advised to recheck the entered choices on the Answer Sheet. Evaluation is only as per the submitted choices through SMS. Soon each student will get an SMS indicating the Marks, Percentage, Number of Correct / Wrong answers and Number of NOT Responded. How it works ?
SMS Quiz Results for Test No. T03 & Ans.Sheet No. 105 : Marks: 68%, Correct: 17, Wrong: 7, Not Responded: 1. Best Wishes,
The status of their performance against each question will be available in the web site along with their ranking. How it works ?
The Markwise Report will be taken by the examiner from the web site along with their Name, Answer Sheet Number, Mobile Number, Number of correct / wrong / unknown Answer, Percentage, Rank and Percentile. How it works ?
SMS Quiz will be useful for Institutions conducting Objective Type Tests like Schools / Colleges Universities Training Institutes Distance Education Centres Campus Selections Entrance Exams The whole system is transparent and the users will be satisfied. Individuals can use this for self evaluation with ease. Users
How a Teacher or a Professor can make use of SMS Quiz ?
The objective type test paper prepared should be in the format: Question No, Question, Correct Answer, Choice1, Choice2 and Choice3 entered in Excel Sheet and to be attached to the sent to the id given:
The Question column may be made empty before sending to the Admin.
The questions need to be entered as a power point presentation brought to the exam hall few minutes before the actual test starts.
The Admin will generate the required number of Answer Sheets in PDF format and will send back to the examiner who can take printouts. Each Answer Sheet will have a distinct Number and a different shuffling of Answer Choices. The Answer Sheet will be distributed to the students who will be entering the exam hall.
The tests may be for any subject and in any language. For the same test more than one language can be adopted. For example Answer Sheet Number 1 to 1000 could be in English and from 1001 to 2000 may be in local language translated for the original paper set in English.
According to their choice of language, the Answer Sheet Numbers may be registered. The institution may provide a few mobile phones for those who don't have one. More than one Answer Sheet may be registered in the same mobile number.
Using SMS Quiz system, All the sequence for conducting objective type test will be completed in the shortest time possible! SMS Quiz will revolutionize the testing process. Conclusion
Thank You Nebula Solutions Ltd. (Formerly PBSC Spectacular Solution Limited) City Centre, II Floor, Room No: 207, New No: 232, Purasawakkam High Road, Chennai – Phone: (044)