WWC – Why do I need it?
The Pros Not every member needs to have WWC Youth programs or programs with youth involvement Members can be involved in any youth program Youth protected Rotarians protected Brand protected Confidentiality Details limited to Club WWC Officer District YPO available for independent support/progression
The Cons Some Clubs/members feel their privacy compromised Each Club needs a WWC officer WWC Officer needs to maintain necessary details WWC interaction required with any third parties involved in events for cross-checking Exchange hosting – regular family contacts (uncles, aunts, cousins etc) all need WWC Non-rotarians associating with youth need WWC
The Club Requirements WWC Officer WWC Policy and Procedure Answers to: Procedures for child-related events? Complaint process for a child? Club-hosted District youth events must have Risk Assessment completed including WWC for all involved District Youth Protection Officer as reference point
What If…? What if I don’t want to get my WWC? What if I never have anything to do with youth? What if I object to my privacy being compromised? What if we can’t find anyone to take on the WWC role? What if someone’s check gets rejected? How many need to be in the Club WWC Committee? How often does the Committee need to change? What happens after I refer an event to the DYPO?