Predicting Products: Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions
Evaluation/Assessment: Objective: Today I will be able to: Apply knowledge of chemical equations to an exam Predict the products for synthesis and decomposition reactions Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment: listening to group interactions as students complete the practice problems Formal Assessment: Analyze Student Responses as they complete the practice problems and the exam Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Use appropriate tools strategically Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Evaluate: Chemical Reactions Exam Explain: Predicting Products of Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm - Up Take everything off of your desk except a writing utensil for your exam. Place your electronic device in Ms. Ose’s bin Make sure the device is on silent
Objective Today I will be able to: Apply knowledge of chemical equations to an exam Predict the products for synthesis and decomposition reactions
Homework Finish Synthesis and Decomposition Practice
Agenda Warm-Up Chemical Reactions Exam Predicting Products of Synthesis and Decomposition Reaction Notes Predicting Products Practice Exit Ticket
Chemical Reactions Exam When you finish the exam, take a look at the practice and examples Ms. Ose gives you for synthesis and decomposition
Predicting Products of Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions
Synthesis Reactions Elements or simple compounds are combined to form ONE product Combine elements and criss-cross the charges Examples Cu(II) + S CuS 4 Na + O2 2 Na2O
Decomposition Reactions If TWO elements (binary compound) are present in the original compound, just break it apart into two elements 2 HCl H2 + Cl2
Decomposition Reactions If THREE elements (ternary compound) are present, determine if one of them is a HALOGEN If one element is a halogen, then the halogen and the metal stick together and oxygen gas is produced 2 KClO3 2 KCl + 3 O2
Decomposition Reactions If there are no halogens present, then a metallic oxide and a gas with 1 less oxygen than the polyatomic ion is produced CaCO3 CaO + CO2
Predicting Products Practice Complete the practice at your desk. Whatever you do not finish will become your HW.
Exit Ticket Predict the products of the reactions and balance the equations __ Na2CO3 __ Mg + __ N2