What is it about our cultural context that is so challenging?
What is it about our cultural context that is so challenging? Sociologist Philip Rieff: Our cultural elite are in the midst of a historically-unprecedented attempt to push historic Christianity to the margins.
What is it about our cultural context that is so challenging? Sociologist Philip Rieff: Our cultural elite are in the midst of a historically-unprecedented attempt to push historic Christianity to the margins. Philosopher Charles Taylor: Many of our neighbors consider historic Christianity (especially its teaching on gender and sexuality) implausible and even unimaginable.
What are our options for responding?
What are our options for responding? Hide
What are our options for responding? Hide Rage
What are our options for responding? Hide Rage Capitulate
What are our options for responding? Hide Rage Capitulate Minister
What is our biblical justification?
What is our biblical justification? Creation (Gen 1 & 2)
What is our biblical justification? Creation (Gen 1 & 2) Fall (Gen 3; Gen 4-11)
What is our biblical justification? Creation (Gen 1 & 2) Fall (Gen 3; Gen 4-11) Redemption (1 Cor 15:1-5; Rom 12:1-2; 1 Cor 10:31)
What is our biblical justification? Creation (Gen 1 & 2) Fall (Gen 3; Gen 4-11) Redemption (1 Cor 15:1-5; Rom 12:1-2; 1 Cor 10:31) Consummation (Rev 21 & 22)
What are some “practical handles” for honoring Christ in a given aspect of culture?
What are some “practical handles” for honoring Christ in a given aspect of culture? Ask: “What is God’s creational design for this aspect of culture?
What are some “practical handles” for honoring Christ in a given aspect of culture? Ask: “What is God’s creational design for this aspect of culture? Ask: “How has sin twisted and misdirected this aspect of culture?
What are some “practical handles” for honoring Christ in a given aspect of culture? Ask: “What is God’s creational design for this aspect of culture? Ask: “How has sin twisted and misdirected this aspect of culture? Ask: “How can I draw upon God’s saving works & word to untwist what has been twisted?”
What are some “practical handles” for honoring Christ in a given aspect of culture? “God’s word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto [the entirety of] our path” (Ps 119:105)
How much does Christian cultural engagement matter?
How much does Christian cultural engagement matter? Christian cultural witness involves both words and deeds.
How much does Christian cultural engagement matter? Christian cultural witness involves both words and deeds. Christ-centered cultural engagement involves proclaiming him with our lips and promoting his with our lives.
How much does Christian cultural engagement matter? Christian cultural witness involves both words and deeds. Christ-centered cultural engagement involves proclaiming him with our lips and promoting his with our lives. So that the totality of our life supports one central truth: “Jesus is Lord.”