Course Selection Dundee-Crown HIGH SCHOOL Planning for the 2017-18 School Year
Today’s Agenda How to choose classes High school graduation requirements College admissions requirements How to enter electives into Infinite Campus
High School Graduation Requirements Minimum of 26 credits must be earned, including the following English: 4 years – 8 semesters Math: 3 years – 6 semesters: Illinois school code requires students to take Algebra 1 and Geometry, leaving 1 year of additional core math. Science: 2 years – 4 semesters Social Sciences: 2.5 years – 1 year of World History, 1 semester of US Government, 1 year of US History Consumer Education: 1 semester – either Global Economics, Intro to Business, AP Macro Econ., or Personal Financial Concepts. Physical Education: 3.5 years – 7 semesters of physical education (required for each semester a student is in attendance, except of the semester a student is taking health) Health: 1 semester Strand 1 (Art, Music, or World Language): 1 year – 2 semesters Strand 2 (electives in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies: 1 year – 2 semesters Strand 3 (Business, FACs, or Industrial Technology): 1 year – 2 semester
Consumer Education Requirement New for the class of 2020 and up! Global Economics: 1 semester. AP Macro Econ: 2 semesters Intro to Business: 2 semesters Personal and Financial Concepts: 1 semester
College Admissions Requirements
How to Choose Electives
Remember All electives will have the same GPA weight. Take electives that will help you best prepare for college and give you experience in a career field of interest, and to meet strand requirements. Keep your options open! Take a rigorous college preparatory course path. Keep balance: Consider your afterschool obligations Talk to your parents
Sophomore PE Options PE for Sophomores Athletic Strength and Conditioning Health (no PE that semester) PE Waiver: Marching Band only Driver’s Education: Not required, but many students take it during their sophomore year.
Sophomore ASP Opt Out 3.0 unweighted GPA and above Must submit an ASP Opt Out Form Highly recommended to stay in ASP
Advanced Placement (AP) Classes taught in high school that are college-level learning Students who take an exam at the end of the course and score a 3 or more earn college credit at Illinois universities. Each university will assign credits in their own way. Being successful in AP classes demonstrates to colleges that a student is interested in being challenged and has the skills to be successful in college. Interested students should talk to their teacher in the department in which the course is offered.
Course Selection Materials What you should have: Course selection worksheet List of available courses MYAP Help Sheet
The Course Selection Worksheet – Sophomore Year Example Lunch Course 2 English * Course 3 Math * Course 4 Science * Course 5 Consumer Education American Government * Course 6 Health PE—PE 10—9804 Course 7 ASP Course 8 Drivers Education—9820 Woods Production Tech 1 - 7822 Course 9 German 2—5823 German 2—5824 Alternative Course 1 Art Fundamentals—8801 Art Fundamentals—8802 Alternative Course 2 Child Development 1—7851 Multimedia 1—6808
Student Portal MYAP Multi Year Academic Planner a playground to plan your course elective requests through 12th grade
Log into your student portal To continue you MAY need to enter a choice in both boxes. This is your best guess. You will only need to do this the first time you enter. Click Next
You will see something similar to this. This is your playground – You will finalize all requests when you meet with your counselor You will see something similar to this. Students in 10th grade can enter requests for 11th and 12th grade only. No requests are final.
Drop Down Menus in MYAP Categories you will see: English Core, Math Core, Science Core American Government Core, US History Core, World History Core Health Core, Physical Education Core Strand 1 (music, art, world language) Strand 2 (additional courses in English, math, science and social studies) Strand 3 ( family & consumer sciences, business, and industrial education) Drivers Education Core
More about your playground: it shows you what you’ve already taken Click in the empty box and the courses available for your selection in that credit group will display. In your core credit groups, you will see the course(s) recommended by your current teacher. You may not delete those, but you may add another choice or two and then discuss with your counselor when you meet. This indicates that 3 credits of Math are required for graduation and Jake has completed or PLANNED to complete 2 of those 3 credits. Click Next This unique listing means that IF Jake has met his Science Core requirements, when he picks this course it will count towards his strand 2 requirement.
Red Alerts These ALERTS will disappear when you have all of your required credits planned.
See all available courses in the catalog You do have an option of adding courses to your plan by searching your school’s whole catalog of courses. Click the grade in which you want this request to be entered.
More about searching the catalog The courses from the catalog list can provide a lot of information.
Locks This is an example of a ‘Parent/Child’ lock. When you choose German III (1st Semester)… the 2nd Semester comes with it. You cannot delete the 2nd semester but if you change your mind and delete 1st Semester…the 2nd Semester comes off with it. Jake entered 4828 in the Science Core but as you see he has already met his 2 credit requirement. So a copy of 4828 automatically gets bumped down to Strand 2 with a LOCK. If Jake changes his mind he must delete it in the Science Core and not in the Strand 2.
Some drop down details The Elective Credit Group Drop Box will not have any courses listed, because no course ‘starts’ as an elective (they all belong to a strand). This is strictly an OVERFLOW from all of the other credit groups that met requirements. Jake took German I Freshman Year and German II Sophomore Year so when he clicked on the empty box in Strand 1, German III was Bold. This shows him it is the next in sequence for him.
Saving Your Plan Jake was busy with the World Series so he needed to come back to his plan at a later time. He clicked SAVE and got the following message. This is OK. This just gives him a summary of what he still needs to plan. He will come back to his plan when he has more time.
What if I have questions? Counselors will be meeting with every student. We will be happy to answer any questions you have at that time. Please wait until your individual meeting to ask any questions that you may have. Presentation will be available on the D-CHS Counseling website Reference D-CHS Course Guide online
NOVEMBER 25th! When is this due? YOU may begin signing up TODAY Use your smart phone, IPad, tablet, computer… Media Center Lab Available November 16- 18th During Lunches (on the 16th also ASP’s)