Wednesday, 9/13/17 Modern World History – subject for the day Finish 9-11 Goals/activities Finish speeches Read speeches Discuss your take from your parents Homework: Read pages 336-341 In your journal, describe the following (several sentences each) Renaissance Humanism Why Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael were singled out Machiavelli <<find a quote from Machiavelli and put on next journal pg>> Collect 9-11 worksheet for credit Return Current Events worksheets For each journal entry, label with date on top line
Thursday, 9/14/17 Modern World History – subject for the day Renaissance Goals/activities Discuss homework Discuss your quote Describe significance in your journal of your quote. Apply to today… compare to any one leader in first paragraph (impact), and evaluate in second paragraph. Homework: Read p. 345-350 Create a visual which includes the following words, and somehow shows their significance. It should be on one page in your composition book: Indulgences, Luther, 95 Thesis, Charles V, Tetzel, Printing Press, Diet of Worms. Homework check: (the “big three” Renaissance artists) (Machiavelli Quote)
Friday, 9/15/17 Modern World History – subject for the day Current Events Goals/activities Homework check & discussion CNN – 10 news 5 W’s (in journal) THEN, I’LL COLLECT ALL JOURNALS Homework: none