Preschool Development Grant – Birth through Five January 2019-December 2019 Talk about Timeline New Spark NH Staffing
Sharing Best Practices PDG Major Activities 2 1 Strategic Plan Parent Choice & Knowledge Needs Assessment Positions that need to be filled Sharing Best Practices Improving Quality
Needs Assessment 1 What programs are children in? Vulnerable, underserved, rural? Who is not accessing and why? Quality? Gaps in data and plan to fill gaps Measurable indicators Barriers to high-quality programs and services Transition supports Coordination UNH has engaged RAND to oversee
2 Strategic Planning Overseen by Spark NH Plan for Early Childhood System Driven by Needs Assessment Metrics UNH will hire consultant to be supervised by Spark NH leadership
Maximize Parent Choice & Knowledge timeline: ongoing Strengthen the Regional Coalition Network Engage families, Build family leadership & Learn more about how to do this Evaluate current programs designed to strengthen families Enhance online resource & referral system (1-stop-shop website/app) Grow public Awareness (Vroom, Bedrock, etc.)
Sharing Best Practices timeline: ongoing 4 Create a plan for sharing Best Practices in Workforce -WFPD committee advises Align PD systems to support a fully- integrated cross-sector PD system WFPD committee advises Increase our ability to share best practices via QRIS Provide Play-Based coaching for KG teachers Create a plan for strengthening and aligning the Regional Initiatives
Improve Overall Quality of EC Services timeline: after strategic planning 5 Provide QRIS Coaching Provide Play-Based K Coaching Improve Family Resource Center Quality