Formatting It is a BIG Deal!!!
Content Importance Types of Formatting Example
Formatting is IMPORTANT This method defines not just how sources are to be cited and referenced, but how the paper should look overall, including the size of margins, how far to indent first lines of paragraphs, where page numbers are placed, and more.
Why is it Important? It demonstrates that you can follow instructions. It provides consistency. It facilitates practice of discipline and adherence to standards. It allows you to focus your efforts on content.
Types of Formatting APA (American Psychological Association) Chicago (Chicago Manual of Style) MLA (Modern Language Association) Business Preference
Format Instructions Two-column “newspaper” format 0.8 inch left and right margins 0.4 inch space between columns Note: Each column of print will be 3.25 inch wide (Take a ruler to it!) Top and Bottom Margins should be 1 inch. Each column should be the same length on the very last page.
Format Instructions Primary Headings should start with Roman Numerals and centered on the column. Secondary Headings should start with Upper Case Alphabetical Letters The letters should appear at the left hand margin of the column Tertiary Headings should start with Arabic Numerals followed by a period The numbers should appear a the left hand margin of the column Quaternary Headings should start with lower case letters followed by a period The letters should appear indented three spaces from the left hand margin Should further subdivision of headings be necessary, the order of the next two divisions should be Arabic numerals followed by parentheses [1), 2), 3), etc.] and lastly, by lower case letters followed by parentheses [a), b), c), etc.]. The latter two subdivisions should each be indented three additional spaces.
Format Instructions Title: Centered one inch below the top of the page using 14 point Font bold and upper case type Author(s): Centered on page two spaces below the Title using 12 point type The professional affiliation of author(s) should be placed one space below the author(s) and also centered. (meaning place of business or Institution)
Format Instructions Abstract: Two spaces below the professional affiliation information at top of left hand column using bold 10 point type. Body of paper: Use 10 point type with single spacing between lines double–spacing between paragraphs and section headings Hyphenate words to avoid awkwardly-wide spacing Use full justification throughout the manuscript ( meaning you press and hold CTRL>A, right click on highlighted text, select paragraph, under General Alignment – select Alignment (drop down list), select Justified, click OK)
Format Instructions Figures/Tables: These elements should be sized so that the right and left edges conform with each column width. Where clarity will best be served, authors may size Figures and Tables so as to occupy the full page width. Figure captions may be as small as 8 type size. References: For a paper citation, give author(s), title of paper [in quotation marks], name of publication, volume number, date and appropriate pages. For a book citation, give author(s) title of book, the publisher [with city], date of publication and appropriate pages. Titles of books and technical publications are to be italicized.