Dive Into Third Grade!!!! Things you need to know to stay afloat in 3rd Grade.
Third Grade Curriculum Reading: FOCUS: Strategies from ARI (reading fluently, comprehension, study skills, and word attack skills.) Math: FOCUS: Develop strategies to add/subtract with place value, regrouping, multiply, solve word problems. Work with fractions and decimals. Handwriting: We will begin teaching cursive during the 2nd quarter.
Third Grade Curriculum Science/Social Studies: Focus: Study skills, using the textbook and other resources, applying what you know (rote memory is not enough.) Science Spin and Geography Spin
GRADING Grading: If grades are not always As and Bs, don’t be too alarmed. This is sometimes an indication that new learning is taking place. New information in different formats is being presented, and students are given the responsibility for their learning.
HOMEWORK/ STUDY SKILLS Children are responsible for copying the homework assignment in their assignment planner each day. Read to and with your child. Have him/her retell what has been read. Children must be responsible for packing everything they need for homework and returning all assignments the next day.
Spelling: I will introduce the spelling list each Monday. Students will receive a “Spelling Menu” from which they may choose three activities per week to complete at home. They are due on Friday, stapled together. The test on Friday isn’t a traditional spelling test where I call out the words. Instead it is a proofreading test.
Discipline Plan Every student will begin the week with five tickets. Tickets can be lost for not following directions, misbehaviors, not completing classroom assignments. Parents will be notified if a child loses all five tickets. Free Break Friday at 2:00 will be the reward for any student that still has one ticket on Friday afternoon. PTA will sell snacks for $1.00. Buying snack is optional. Snacks from home are permitted. All money earned will be used to purchase blow ups for a celebration at the end of the school year.
Communication Take-Home Folder: Please check it daily and help your child return all papers, forms, permission slips, etc. on time. Email and Planners: Check these daily for updates!
Additional Information Children are not allowed to bring toys to school. Children should know their afternoon transportation BEFORE they leave home. If normal transportation changes, please send a note or we will use normal procedure. In the event of an emergency, please call the office and speak to someone to inform us of changes; otherwise we will go by what is on the emergency dismissal form.
Responsibility We will expect children take responsibility for their work and their actions. Teacher Tips: Give your child responsibilities at home. Do not bring your child’s homework or any other forgotten items to school for him/her. Don’t return to the classroom for left items after school. Provide rewards or consequences for your child’s display or lack of responsibility.
Clubs Chess Club Drama Club Math Club
Welcome to 3rd Grade!!!!! We are so glad to have your child in class! Remember… we are preparing them to be lifelong learners.