Orthopedic Surgeon By Carson Tolomay
Options Available Within The Field Addiction Psychiatrist Adolescent Medicine Specialist Allergist (immunologist) Anesthesiologist Cardiac Electrophy Siologist Cardiologist Cardiovascular Surgeon Colon and Rectal Surgeon Orthopedic Surgeon
Salary Range Each year of being an Orthopedic Surgeon you would earn $512,000.
Special Training Requirements 4 years of medical school Medical degree 4 years of Orthopedic Surgeon training 1year of training in General Surgeon, Pediatrics, or Internal Medicine All together it would take me 9 years to be an Orthopedic Surgeon
Top 3 bets schools University of Southern California University of Virginia University if Pittsburgh
Schools that offer education and training Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Drexel University College of Medicine Perelman School of Medicine Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine lewis Katz School of Medicine Penn Sports of Medicine WellSpan Orthopedics
Qualities and abilities Good hand-eye coordination Excellent vision Good organizational ability Effective decision making skills Excellent communication skills
Well known person in the field Michael Ain is a well known Orthopedic Surgeon. Ain grew up in Roslyn Heights, Long Island. Ain had a hard time getting a job because, he himself is a dwarf and had many difficulties in preforming surgery. He is now working at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He also specializes in dwarfism and other related problems. At first he was going to become a hand or joint surgeon, but then changed his mind.
Reaction I still want to be an Orthopedic Surgeon. When I did more research on being an Orthopedic Surgeon I now have more information on why the job is right for me.
Information cites www.healthcommunities.com