Masonic Etiquette.


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Presentation transcript:

Masonic Etiquette

What is Masonic Etiquette? Masonic Etiquette is very much an unpublished as well as an unspoken code of behavior and therefore it can only be learnt in time or through observation. But in general it is expected that a Freemason exhibits ,at the very least and from his initiation,  a decorum that is appropriate in polite societies, before someone should have to explain his errors.

Worshipful Master The Master in charge of his Lodge for the terms of 12 months is the most powerful of the  members as he has the authority to: rule any Brother who is out of order on any subject and at anytime. decide on what can and cannot be discussed. if a Brother insists on speaking after the Master has ruled that he is out of order, he may be committing a Masonic offence Courteous brethren accept the requests made by the Master to serve in various committees as determined by the Lodge’s need

The following items are not Masonic official offences but a display a lack of Masonic etiquette. In other words they are considered to be “bad form” or “bad manners”

WALKING BETWEEN THE ALTAR AND THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER As a courtesy to the Worshipful Master, Brethren are not allowed to pass between the Altar and the East when the Lodge is open. The only exception to this is during the circumambulation of degree work. The “eternal light and wisdom” which the Worshipful Master represents in the Lodge room should never be put in the shadow, not even for a second, while a Degree work is taking place.

SITTING IN THE EAST Brethren do not take a seat in the East without an invitation, even if all other seats are full.  While in the tiled room all Brethren may be equal to one another, all lodge officers have studied and contributed hard to be in their offices. It is the Worshipful Master’s prerogative to recognize their devotion and loyalty and therefore to honor them with an invite to sit in the East with him. This honor is often reserved for Grand Lodge dignitaries, visiting brethren, etc., but is always at the discretion of the master.

ALWAYS FULLY DRESSED This does not refer to attire, as that is dictated by the Master of the Lodge. This refers to Aprons and Jewels. Brethren should not enter the Lodge room without their apron already on. The formalities of the Lodge demand that a Brother should enter the Temple only fully dressed and ready for the labor. Therefore when you pass by the Tyler and enter the Lodge room, ensure that all is as it should be. The formalities of the Lodge demand that a Brother should enter the Temple only fully dressed and ready for the labour. Therefore when you pass by the Tyler and enter the Lodge room, ensure that all is as it should be.

STAND WHEN YOU SPEAK No one sits while speaking in the Lodge room, no matter if he addresses an officer or another Brother (unless by permission of the Worshipful Master or infirmity not permitting).  This includes when: While the Worshipful Master when elected gains no personal special honor, it is to the Worshipful Master that a member stands to address. It is just a form of respect! If you wish to address the audience, you will stand so all may see who you are and request permission to speak from the Worshipful Master. Addressing the Lodge Addressing a specific Brother (with permission of the Master) Asking a question Making a motion Seconding a motion Debating or discussing a motion Etc.

TALKING Talking to the Brother sitting next to you while a degree is being worked is considered bad manners and shows disrespect to the Lodge, the Brethren, and the Candidate. The Lodge room is the Temple of the G.A.O.T.U., just like your Church is of your God.  Talking –  even whispering! – without asking to do so shows irreverence for the proceedings. The Lodge is not for social conversation but for learning the lessons of the day. Unless of course you have requested the Worshipful Master’s permission to speak.  Therefore if you have something of interest to say, raise your hand and when the Worshipful Master recognizes you,  stand up and salute. To address the Brethren, you must begin with: “Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren” ……

SPEAKING If you wish to offer a motion or discuss a matter , advise the Worshipful Master, in private, before the Lodge is open. This affords him the opportunity to determine if it is a proper motion or topic and gives him the time to inform the Secretary so that it can be put on the agenda. It is an important courtesy to him because the Worshipful Master  may have plans for the meeting and your motion may not have the purpose or find the time to fit within the allotted timeframe. If you do not ask him , you may end up being publicly refused and appear to be a little arrogant or disagreeable.

OBEYING THE GAVEL The gavel must be obeyed immediately. Failure to do so is a great discourtesy. The Worshipful Master is all powerful in the Lodge and his word is final. He can put or refuse a motion, he can rule any brother who is out of order on any subject and at any time.  Only he can say what he will be permitted or not permitted to be discussed. When and if a brother is rapped down he should obey at once, without any further discussion. The Worshipful Master is all powerful in the Lodge and his word is final. He can put or refuse a motion, he can rule any brother who is out of order on any subject and at any time.  Only he can say what he will be permitted or not permitted to be discussed. When and if a brother is rapped down he should obey at once, without any further discussion.

TURNING YOUR BACK Never turn your back on the Master of the Lodge before you speak, unless he gives you permission to do so.

SALUTING The  salutation to the Worshipful  Master shows your renewed pledge of fidelity and service. It is your public display of decorum before all the other brothers. It also shows your courteous, heart felt respect for all that the Master stands for and shows that you acknowledge his authority. It also shows your courteous, heart felt respect for all that the Master stands for and shows that you acknowledge his authority.

BALLOTTING When Balloting, the Lodge is guarded and no one is permitted to enter or exit (except in case of emergency) as doing so would cause the ballot to be void and the balloting repeated. Only members of the Lodge may vote. All members of the Lodge must vote. Vote for the Good of the Order. It is discourteous to do so during a degree work , a ballot ,a speech and so forth. Only when the Master has put the lodge at ease and before he sounds the gavel, you may leave the lodge without being considered rude and after having asked the Master for permission. It is Masonic etiquette that all brethren are expected to vote when requested to do so. Failure to cast your vote may be interpreted as  a failure to fulfil your duties and it is in direct disobedience of the Master’s request.

VOTING IS MANDATORY When an issue is put to a vote, all brethren of the Lodge must vote if entitled to do so. There are 2 votes that may be cast: Aye (yes or affirmative) Nay (no or negative) If a Brother chooses to abstain from the vote, he should inform the Master before lodge and excuse himself BEFORE the vote is called. The brother, who does not do so, distorts the ballot. No matter what reason you may have for not wanting to vote, you injure the lodge’s ballot, its value and its secrecy by not doing so.

 SHOULDERING THE WORK It is good Masonic etiquette to accept a request made in the name of the lodge if it is within your abilities. This applies to ritual, committees, officers duties, etc. If you are unable to perform the task asked of you by the Lodge, you should inform the Master so that he may ask or appoint another to complete the task and not be expecting results that you are unable to provide. It means the lodge trusts you to fulfil such a request based on your competence.

CORRECTION OF  ERRORS No one, except for the Worshipful Master, may correct any mistake that may occur during the course of a ceremony, even  when the error is a serious one.   If, in the process of the degree, the Brother performing the ritual gets stuck or needs assistance, he will usually appoint ONE person to do so. When multiple people shout our responses, it is a distraction to the work. It is discourteous to point out ritual mistakes in front of the lodge brethren or even criticize a brother for them after the ceremony. Critique is good, but do so in private.

GOOD POSTURE Lounging, leaning and slovenly attitudes should be avoided.  Poor posture is considered poor Masonic etiquette.

NO PRACTICAL JOKES OR OFF-COLOR STORIES The great lessons taught by our ritual must never be demeaned.  The lodge room is not a proper location for the telling  practical jokes, pranks, or for horseplay, nor for  off-color stories.

USE PROPER MASONIC NAMES It is common courtesy to be accurate in mentioning a brother’s name and  officers, members and visitors must be addressed by their correct Masonic titles.

ENTERING OR LEAVING THE LODGE AFTER THE MEETING HAS BEGUN If a brother should enter the Lodge after the ceremony has open, he should approach the Alter, salute the Worshipful Master with the Due Guard and Penal Sign of that degree, and quietly take his seat or place in the Lodge. The same should be done if the brother has to leave the ceremony before time.

ALL PRAYERS AT THE LODGE FUNCTIONS ARE NON-SECTARIAL Freemasonry holds no sectarian views.  Freemasonry embraces all religions. A Freemason may choose the religion of his choice in his private life but should be aware and open to the fact that other brethren do not necessarily share nor were they brought up with the religion dogmas and beliefs that you, personally, embrace. Prayers at the lodge functions should be in keeping with Masonic teachings and never be an expression of specific sectarian or dogmatic creeds. It is a matter of courtesy! Therefore prayers are always  directed to the Creator, to the G.A.O.T.U. and not to someone specific  such as Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Allah, Muhammad, Jehovah etc.  We must always bear in mind  the meaning of the tale of the construction of the  Babel  Tower :  the reason our Creator has so many  different names across the world is because  when Man built the Tower taller and taller to glorify himself, God decided to punish him by changing  his common language into the many idioms spoken on Earth.

TURN THE MOBILE PHONE OFF All mobile phones must be turned off before entering the lodge room so as to not disrupt the proceedings.

Masonic etiquette is simply the application of rules of good manners to Freemasonry and which make our Lodge meetings more pleasant, respectful, and efficient. The spirit of brotherly love and affection, by which we are bound together, is exemplified in our conduct, our carriage, and our behavior at all times.