Weeds and Roses Florence Kelley
This is a perfect place to be for our 1st attempt! WOWZA!! 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- You should be peeing in your pants with joy! This is a perfect place to be for our 1st attempt!
Weed #1: Make it meaningful Don’t hold off on analyzing your “best” RS until the end…you might not get there Be sure to select purposeful elements anaphora: “they”; “for the” Conclusions—what the heck is their purpose in this type of essay
Flow chart of last minute madness: Have you analyzed more than two strategies? Have you moved chronologically through the essay and have clearly analyzed the end? Do you have something meaningful to add? Do you fear you haven’t used enough text? Are you only on your 1st page? Have you spent too much time on 1 strategy? Spend several minutes— no more than two!! creating a meaningful conclusion (a sentence or two). Spend the remainder of your time analyzing—you need to spend more time tackling the text, not summarizing it!
Conclusion Ideas: What impact did this speech have on the future? What other documents/rhetoricians use similar strategies? What must the audience have thought?
Weed #2: More text STILL!! Couple quotes of similar strategies together This will help you utilize more text It will help you “get to the end” of the text It will provide you more to analyze. TS (RS) CD, CD, CD, CD CM, CM, CM, CM, CM, CM OR CD CM Aim for at least three pieces of text per paragraph. If you’re analyzing something pervasive, such as diction or tone, aim for 4-6 pieces of text.
RER: A bit different! Only a handful of tasks to attend to on your own essay. So many roses! Need to refine the ability to analyze. Due Friday, March 22