Which Monarch? TASK: Below are a series of dates. Your job is to make note of which Monarch the question concerns DATES MONARCH 1 1509-1529 2 1547-1569 3 1485-1509 4 1529-1547 5 1540-1558 Henry VIII (Early years and Wolsey) Edward, Mary and Elizabeth Henry VII Henry VIII (Cromwell and Factions) Factions, Edward and Mary
Ministers / Privy Council In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period? What we need to cover Ministers / Privy Council Finance Court Parliament Here is a diagram that shows the different elements of government we will study for Elizabeth. By the end of our lessons on government, you should be able to confidently talk about each across Elizabeth’s 45 year reign.
Elizabethan Government Good learning: Recall key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign and their careers Great learning: Explain how factionalism changed over time Even better: Evaluate the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government How effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of the monarchy? In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period?
Subtitle: Middle Years 1558 1570 1587 1603 Reshape in the Council Factionalism RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
Reshaping of the Council The middle years of Elizabeth’s reign saw little change. Cecil’s grip on power increased in this period, with his new job as Lord Treasurer, and new title of Lord Burghley. The council did move towards radical Protestantism, with Walsingham, Mildmay and Hatton joining the Privy Council. Q. Is this move surprising given what was happening in the middle years of Elizabeth’s reign? This is not a surprise given Northern rebellion and then Catholic plots seen in this middle period. RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
Subtitle: Later Years Below is a timeline of Elizabeth’s reign. It is broken down into different timeframes. We will look at these different timeframes across the lesson to analyse and evaluate change/continuity. 1558 1570 1587 1603 Death of key Council The replacements Factionalism Role of Burghley Essex rebellion RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
New appointments Watch the following clip and make notes on: How did Elizabeth replaced key ministers who had died? What were these new ministers like? How much power did these ministers have over the queen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqq3obA6GpA (4:00-12.26) RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
Factions: the Jigalow vs. the Elf Use the evidence bullet pointed about the factionalism between Essex and Cecil, to answer the question at the bottom of the sheet. RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
Essex Rebellion Why did Essex rebel? What was his plan? Why did he think he would be successful? Why did the rebellion fail? What was the consequence for Essex? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqq3obA6GpA (22.26-36.21) - Essex Rebellion RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
Assess the validity of this view ‘Elizabeth’s government was plagued by factionalism in the years 1559-1603’ Assess the validity of this view Write an introduction to this essay question. Focus on developing a nuanced judgement RECALL key ministers across Elizabeth’s reign EXPLAIN how factionalism changed over time EVALUATE the impact factionalism had on the efficiency of government
FLIP LEARNING The following tasks are due in today: TASK: You have been given a table of when Elizabeth’s Parliament was called, and reasons why it was called/what was discussed. It is currently chronological… TASK: Create a mind map that divided the Parliamentary sessions into themes Hint: Consider religion, finance, foreign policy, rebellion The following tasks are due in today: