Make every day Earth Day.
Go Green! The Xerox Print Center can show you how None of us can continue to use resources and energy as we have in the past. Every year in celebration of Earth Day, thousands of people around the world focus on ways to be more environmentally responsible. Discover Smarter Ways to Green and win! Today there are a number of ways that you can be smarter about how you use resources, save money and be more profitable. Find the 10 innovative ways Xerox can help your company improve your environmental sustainability—and your bottom line. Return this card to <Print Center Location> for <PRIZE TBD: free printing, print job discount, etc.> Name: Title: Dept./Location: Tel: Email: Let us focus on your documents so you can focus on your real business <Print Center contact name> <Print Center tel no.> <Print Center contact Email> <Web Submission URL> Find 10 ways Xerox can help the environment and your bottom line Answers: Print On Demand; Digital Workflows; Two Sided Printing; EA Toner; Multifunction Devices; Energy Star Devices; Solid Inks; Recycled Paper; Waste Prevention; Design for Remanufacture Go Green! The Xerox Print Center can show you how None of us can continue to use resources and energy as we have in the past. Every year in celebration of Earth Day, thousands of people around the world focus on ways to be more environmentally responsible. Discover Smarter Ways to Green and win! Today there are a number of ways that you can be smarter about how you use resources, save money and be more profitable. Find the 10 innovative ways Xerox can help your company improve your environmental sustainability—and your bottom line. Return this card to <Print Center Location> for <PRIZE TBD: free printing, print job discount, etc.> Name: Title: Dept./Location: Tel: Email: Let us focus on your documents so you can focus on your real business <Print Center contact name> <Print Center tel no.> <Print Center contact Email> <Web Submission URL> Find 10 ways Xerox can help the environment and your bottom line Answers: Print On Demand; Digital Workflows; Two Sided Printing; EA Toner; Multifunction Devices; Energy Star Devices; Solid Inks; Recycled Paper; Waste Prevention; Design for Remanufacture