Thesis topics converted photon and pi0 discrimination standalone muon efficiency with cosmic muon data(CRAFT) constrains on HVV coupling constants via maximum likelihood method
Converted photon and pi0 discrimination 1 track case 2 track case
Input variables for 1 track case
Input variables for 2 track case
BDT response 1 track case 2 track case
Apply on γjet sample 1 track case 2 track case 47% 53% 47% 48% -0.21 -0.28
If I train the γjet sample and apply the way on jets sample, what will happen?
pi0 rejection 1 track case 2 track case
Input variables for 1 track case
Input variables for 2 track case
BDT response 1 track case 2 track case
Apply on jets sample 1 track case 2 track case 41% 43% 0.16 -0.03
Standalone Muon efficiency
Track and standalone efficiency muon eff. track eff.
Muon efficiency in my thesis
Muon efficiency in my thesis ΔR<0.5 ΔR<2 d0<80cm z<100cm
HVV coupling cosntant
Events number in each bin
extracted fww distribution via maximum likelihood method