Effect of Naphthenic Acids on the Dielectric Response, Particle Aggregation, and Sedimentation Behavior of Asphaltene Suspensions J. Paige Buchanan Our interest lies in the exploration of how known concentrations of naphthenic acids may contribute to the particle aggregation, and sedimentation behavior of asphaltene suspensions. The knowledge acquired during this work will aid in the design of appropriate surface treatments which will deter sedimentation of particles and reduce pipeline maintenance costs. The overall program goals are (1) understanding how the presence of naphthenic acids may contribute to the particle aggregation and sedimentation behavior of asphaltene suspensions, and (2) understanding how the physics, chemistry, and electric potential of the substrate surface affects adhesion of particles, and how deposition may be controlled through surface modification. In our most recent efforts, we have identified a correlation of surface energy of the substrate to the extent of fouling (mass adsorbed) by asphaltene solutions. Through this research critical parameters regarding the surface characteristics which lead to increased adhesion of asphaltenes are identified.