Wrt 205: critical research Dr. Rusty Bartels Wednesday, January 30th, 2019 Week 3, Day 2
Overview Freewrite Workshop Wrap-up
Freewrite Have you decided what you want to write about for the strategic reflection? If yes: what is it and why? If no: what are you considering? What progress have you made on your assignment so far? How do you feel about what you’ve done?
Question 1 How do you understand yourself? What are important values/ethics for you? What are some of your identities that you think about? That you don’t think about? (I understand some of these can be vulnerable questions, so please only discuss what you are comfortable with.)
Question 2 What are some of your academic interests? Career interests? Personal interests? Other interests?
Question 3 What connections, if any, do you see between your understanding of yourself and your interests? (This is attempting to put questions 1 & 2 in conversation)
Question 4 Have you chosen what you’re going to write about for the strategic reflection? If so, describe it. If not, what are your options/considerations?
Question 5 What progress have you made so far? What are you happy with? Frustrated with? What are questions that you have or decisions that you are navigating?
Question 6 What are specific goals that you have to make progress on your assignment between now and Monday, when we peer review? What are specific, actionable steps, you can take to get there?
Freewrite What was that experience like for you? What did you learn about yourself? About the assignment? What specific, actionable steps, do you plan to take to make progress on your assignment? What needs to done between now and Monday to have a full draft for peer review?
Wrap-up Today we: Had our first workshop! Next time: Class & Office Hours Friday Cancelled Instead, there will be a short exercise & assignment posted for you to complete and turn in. I will post that information tomorrow (Thursday) to Course Blog & Blackboard Announcements