CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Brain Circulation: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain Dr. Shoshana de la Fuente
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 EURAXESS Partners: Israel, Iceland, Spain & Ireland EURAXESS Services is a network of more than 200 centres located in 35 European countries assisting mobile researchers. Among the services offered are assistance with locating accommodations, understanding social security issues and assistance with procuring visas.
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 The Euraxess Network and its Service Centres support and promote mobility of researchers. Why is it important? Exchange of scientific knowledge and ideas Creating a network of connections among scientists and academics throughout the world Promoting Brain Circulation - an almost equal exchange of people AND knowledge between nations. Mobility of Researchers
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 People does not equal knowledge and therefore must be examined separately. Developing a uniform questionnaire for distribution to researchers throughout Europe: -why researchers pursue a research career outside Europe & remain there -why researchers choose to return to their home country in Europe Concept and Objective
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 The Situation Today The flow is almost entirely one-way toward the U.S. Young EU scientists travel to the U.S., for Ph.D. studies and for post-doctorate appointments. Scientists from the U.S., post-docs or others, rarely migrate to the EU. This situation has led to an EU 'Brain Drain' – loss of European scientists in favor of the U.S.
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Percent of Temporary Residents Receiving S&E Doctorates in 2000 who were in the U.S. in 2005 Country of Origin Foreign Doctorate Recipients (#) Percent in the U.S. in 2005 Israel3033 United Kingdom6858 Germany16849 Turkey24849 Spain4656 France6459 Greece6854 Italy7246 Other EU countries26660 Other Europe, East40082 Other Europe, West3942 Source : Finn, M. G. (2007). Stay Rates of Foreign Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities, 2005,Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge Institute for Scienceand Education
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 In absolute numbers ~11,000 PhD graduates between 1991 and 2000 from all disciplines stayed in the US. About 500,000 PhDs were awarded in Europe during the same period. (Moguérou, 2006) In quantitative terms, the European Brain Drain seems marginal!
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Destinations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Postdoctoral Fellows in 2007 (in %)
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Highly-cited Physicists: Gain and Drain by World Region Source : Ali et al. (2007) Elite scientists and the global brain drain. Paper presented at the WorldUniversities Conference, Shanghai, China
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Quantity Versus Quality The European Brain Drain, while relatively small in quantity, appears to be significant in terms of quality. Research in this field indicates an unbalanced talent flow between the EU and the U.S.
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Factors Leading to Brain Drain Push Factors Pull Factors
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Pull Factors
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010 Push Factors
CAREER-EU, Limassol, 2010