Vocab List #6 Ashley Shepard
Sordid (ˈsȯr-dəd) Adjective sordidly: adverb sordidness: noun Definition: dirty or filthy Sentence: He managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up. Way to remember: Sordid comes from the Latin word sordes "dirt."
Stasis ˈstā-səs, Noun Definition: a state or condition in which things do not change, move, or progress Sentence: The country is suffering form an economic stasis. Way to remember: “sta” is like “stay” noting is moving so its staying.
Ruminate ˈrü-mə-ˌnāt Verb rumination: noun ruminative: adjective ruminatively: adverb ruminator: noun Definition: to think deeply about Sentence: The question got us ruminating on the real value of wealth. Way to remember:
Miniscule min-ih-skyool Adjective Definition: very small Sentence: The newborn baby is miniscule. Way to remember: “mini” means small
Sullen ˈsə-lən Adjective sullenly: adverb sullenness: noun Definition: depressed like; gloomy; dull Sentence: Sullen skies that matched our mood on the day of the funeral. Way to remember: “sull” rhymes with “dull”