Monica Odeh and Elizabeth Tsao Buddhism Monica Odeh and Elizabeth Tsao
I. Founding of Buddhism A. Prince Siddhartha Guatama 1. the son of a king who owned 3 palaces 2. spent his life hidden from reality B. Dose of Reality 1. after discovering death and sickness for the first time, Siddhartha left the palace 2. he spend years wandering in search of truth 3. after days of meditation and fighting evil temptations, he arose from meditation as Buddha, “the Enlightened One”
II. Teaching of Buddha A. The Four Noble Truths (must understand these truths to reach Enlightenment) 1. All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow 2. the cause of suffering is the desire (wealth and power) 3. to cure suffering, you must end desire 4. to overcome desire, you must follow the Eightfold Path
II. Teaching of Buddha (cnt.) B. The Eightfold Path – also known as the Middle Way (life between total pleasure and self- suffering) Steps 1 and 2 - understanding the noble truths and committing to the Eightfold Path Steps 3 thru 7 – involves living a moral life and avoiding evil Step 8 – meditation
II. Teachings of Buddha (cnt.) ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO ACHIEVE NIRVANA C. Compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism 1. Both believe in dharma and karma 2. both believe in non-violence toward all living things 3. both believe in reincarnation and enlightenment (moksha v. nirvana) 4. Buddhism rejected priests and the many gods. Search for enlightenment is through meditation