Multi-Generational/Extended FAMILY STRUCTURES Nuclear Single Parent Step/Blended Multi-Generational/Extended Adoptive Foster
Foldable Fold your paper like a hotdog and then into thirds to create six sections when opened. Write the heading and description of each family structure into the appropriate section.
Nuclear Two married parents (mother & father) with biological children.
Single Parent One parent (mother or father) raising child or children due to death, divorce or abandonment.
Step/Blended One or both parents have been married before bringing their children from the previous marriage into the family. They may have children together.
Multi-Generational/Extended 2 or 3 generations living under one roof
Adoptive Parents go through the courts to make children legally their own. Adoptions can be very diverse culturally speaking.
Foster A child that is temporarily placed with a family until the child’s “family problems” are settled.
What Kind of Family Am I? 1. Has only one parent to fulfill many responsibilities and roles of parenting. 2. Includes stepchildren or half brothers and sisters. 3. Has grandparents living with the family. 4. Includes children who may have been born to other birth parents. 5. Parents and children are all blood related.
Power Point Created by Kim Graybill for East Juniata High School