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Number of patients treated by year
Recorded yearly usage
Year % Increase Usage 2011/12 13% 2012/13 11% 2013/14 15% 2014/15 16%
Average yearly usage
Number of patients treated by region
Yearly Usage by Region
Average patient usage by region
Number of patients treated by Speciality
Yearly Usage by Speciality
Average patient usage by speciality
Average patient usage - Haematology Condition Grams 14/15 ITP Acute 222,526 ITP Persistent 54,140
Average patient usage - Immunology Condition Grams 14/15 PID 1,102,219 Secondary 225,344 Specific 46,058
Average patient usage by - Neurology Condition Grams 14/15 CIDP 859,480 MMN 411,494 MG 173,893 GB 142,285 IM 97,308
Average patient usage by indication & regime
Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 20141/15 Grey Usage 263,445 301,859 315,143 354,744
Grey Requests 1028 1404 1424 1331 Outcomes n/a 433 326 307 Percentage Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 20141/15 Grey Requests 1028 1404 1424 1331 Outcomes n/a 433 326 307 Percentage 31% 23%
Yearly usage by product type
Yearly intravenous product usage
Yearly subcutaneous product usage
CIDP Analysis – Patients treated & Recorded Usage
CIDP Analysis – Average Usage
ITP Acute Dosing G per KG Percentage 1g 30% 2g 55% >2g 15%
Diagnosis Criteria Met Percentage Yes 96 % No 0.3% N/A 3.7%
Conclusions Database capturing higher percentage of national usage Usage increasing overall Database can help to identify cost saving opportunities Updated guidelines required as part of national strategy Database now able to accommodate studies into immunoglobulin usage Investigate average use increases
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2 Condition analysis
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