Pre – Revolution Acts and Taxes Vocab Events I Events II Declaration


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Presentation transcript:

Pre – Revolution Acts and Taxes Vocab Events I Events II Declaration 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 JEOPARDY!

General Braddock is best known for what big mistake? Answer: Sending his troops down a straight road in bright red coats, making lots of noise.

During the French and Indian War, why did the Native Americans side with the French during the French? Answer: The French didn’t take their land and they were business partners

What was the main cause of the French and Indian War? Answer: France and England disputing over land in the Ohio River Valley

After The French and Indian War, England expected the colonists to do what? Answer: Pay for the war through taxes

The first Treaty of Paris granted England what? Answer: French land all the way West to the Mississippi River, more power, and land to settle.

Why did colonists object the Tea Tax? Answer: The British only wanted colonists buying their tea.

Why was the stamp act passed? Answer: To raise money after the French and Indian War.

What was the Proclamation of 1763 and why was it passed? Answer: It was a line over the Appalachian Mtns. that colonists could not settle West of. It was to prevent disputes with the Natives.

The Intolerable Acts were a direct result of what event? Answer: The Boston Tea Party

How did colonists protest the acts and taxes? Answer: By boycotting British goods

Describe a loyalist and a patriot? Answer: L: colonist loyal to the Britain P: colonist supporting independence from Britain

Describe Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and why it was important? Answer: a pamphlet encouraging colonists that it truly was time to break free from England. It helped gain more support for the revolution.

What are Hessians? Answer: Germans hired by the British.

Describe Writs of Assistance? Answer: Search warrants granted to British soldiers from the king to find unpaid tax items

Describe the Mecklenburg and Halifax Resolves. -Formal written statements calling for the colonies independence from Britain. -Helped draft the Declaration of Independence Mecklenburg Resolves -Created by North Carolina County stating British Laws were no longer in effect -First NC call for independence from Britain

Describe the Boston Massacre? Answer: An incident where British soldiers were being taunted by colonists. A soldier got hit in the head, a shot was fired, and battle ensued.

What officially ended the war? Answer: The Treaty of Paris

What does “No Taxation Without Representation” mean? Answer: Colonists wanted a say on what and why they were being taxed.

What happened at the Boston Tea Party? Answer: Sons of Liberty dressed up like Natives and dumped tea into Boston Harbor.

What happened at the Edenton Tea Party? Answer: 51 North Carolina women, Patriotic Ladies, signed an agreement to boycott British tea and protest the tea act.

What happened in the Battle of Saratoga? Answer: Turning point of the Revolutionary War First major American victory over the British French entered on side of Americans because of victory

Explain the events of the Battle of Lexington. Answer: -First battles of the Revolutionary War between Sons of Liberty and British Soldiers in Massachusetts -“Shot Heard Around the World”

Why did the Americans win the war? Answer: -Fighting to defend their home land -More familiar with climate, the land, and the bodies of water -George Washington inspired the men to keep fighting -Americans could shoot behind trees and make surprise attacks

Why did the British lose the war? Answer: -Fighting in a strange land. -Home land 3000 miles away. -British Soldiers and hired . Hessians had no personal reasons to fight. -Soldiers wanted to go home. -British leaders did not count on strong support for patriots -British Generals were too Confident

The Treaty of Paris officially did what? Answer: ENDED THE WAR -Colonies recognized as independent -Borders set up -Loyalists not punished -Both sides agreed to pay back money owed to each other -The British agreed to stop fighting and leave the United States as soon as possible

What were colonists suggesting is the roll of the government? Answer: -The government works for the people -Does not deny basic rights

Who should rule the colonies? Answer: -Elected representatives

According to the Declaration, Britain deprived colonists of what? Answer: Natural rights

Why was the Declaration written? Answer: -Stated why they wanted needed separation -Listed things King George III did wrong

What three reasons did slavery not take off in North Carolina ? Final Jeopardy What three reasons did slavery not take off in North Carolina ? Answer: Low need for workers, Slow slave trade, Quakers against it

The area in which you live in creates what? Answer:Sectionalism