Harmonisation Ecostat 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Harmonisation Ecostat 2014 Paul Logan UK CEN Convenor

Updated Recommendations for Annex 1.3.6 Formal consultation on this draft Directive will be possible from June following the publication of some important standards (EN 13946, EN 14184, and EN 14407). Meanwhile, minor changes have been introduced to the document: 1. Correction of some errors in titles, addition of reference dates; 2. Deletion of EN ISO: 1995 (macroinvertebrates) which is no longer published; 3. Replacement of two standards no longer published that have been replaced by new ones with a quite similar scope: 3.1. ISO 10260:1992 Water quality - Measurement of biochemical parameters - Spectrometric determination of the chlorophyll-a concentration replaced by EN 16161:2012 Water quality - Guidance on the use of in vivo absorption techniques for the estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in marine and fresh water samples and 3.2. ISO 5667-3:1995: Water quality - Sampling - Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of samples previously mentioned in the WFD Annex for macroinvertebrates; was updated to EN ISO 5667-3:2012 which covers sampling in general both chemical and biological.

Amended text based on Ecostat comments on Hydromorphology 1.3.6. Standards for monitoring of quality elements Methods used for the monitoring of type parameters shall conform to the international standards listed below in so far as the guidance in the standard covers monitoring, or such other national or international standards which will ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality and comparability Actions 10,11,12 and 23 from previous minutes: No comments received from Spain or Italy.

Project/Title TG and Project leader State of work WI 00230306 Water quality – Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers TG 1 Mr. Boon (Scotish natural heritage, UK) Current state Redrafting based on comments and discussions DRAFT prEN until 2014-04-01 PWI 00230310 The Environmental Requirements of Freshwater Pearl Mussel MARGARITIFERA MARGARITIFERA NWIP adopted (83%) Preparation of working draft by WG2/TG 1 Workshop 2014-03-13/14 PWI 00230311 European Saprobic index Germany Preparation of a working draft for NWIP-ballot Next stage: NWIP- ballot Mandat M/424 prEN 16695 Water quality - Guidance on the estimation of algal biovolume TG 3 Mr Dürselen (AquaEcology, DE) Public Enquiry Preparation of interlaboratory trials Start CEN enquiry: 2013-12-05 End CEN enquiry: 2014-05-05 Publication 2015-01

Mandat M/424 prEN 16698 Water quality - Guidance on quantitative and qualitative sampling of phytoplankton from inland waters TG 3 Mr Hoehn (LBH, DE) Current state Public Enquiry Preparation of interlaboratory trials Start CEN enquiry: 2013-12-12 End CEN enquiry: 2014-05-12 Publication 2015-01 EN 14184 (Revision) Water quality - Guidance for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters Mr. Janauer (University Vienna, Austria) APPROVED by CEN-Members (100 %) Publication 2014-03-12 Resubmission FprEN 14407 (Revision) Water quality - Guidance for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from rivers and lakes Mr. Kelly (Bowburn consultancy, UK)

prEN 14757 (Revision) Water quality - Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gillnets TG 4 Mr Dahlberg (University Goteborg, Sweden) Current state CEN-Enquiry Start 2013-10-03 Closure 2014-03-03 Publication 2015-07 FprEN 16503 Water quality - Guidance standard on assessing the hydromorphological features of transitional and coastal waters TG 5 Mr. Boon (Scottish natural heritage, UK) Under Ballot Start FV 2014-04-10 Closure FV 2014-06-10 Publication 2014-08 PWI 00230285 Water quality – Guidance standard on determining the degree of modification of lake hydromorphology Mr. Boon (Scotish natural heritage, UK) Approved Check and revision of results of NWIP Ballot FprEN 16493 Water quality - Nomenclatural requirements for the recording of biodiversity data, taxonomic checklists and keys TG 6 Mr. Janauer (University Vienna, Austria) Start FV 2014-04-17 Closure FV 2014-06-17

PWI 00230312 Validation of biological-ecological methods – possibilities and documentation for the purposes of standardization TG 6 Current state Preparation of a working draft for NWIP-ballot Next stage: NWIP- ballot PWI 00230308 Requirements on Diatom DNA identification libraries TG 3 Mr. Rimet (France) Next stage: Proposal as NWIP draft foreseen 2013-IV/2014-I PWI 00230309 Diatom DNA Sampling PWI 00230313 Extraction and amplification of DNA from benthic diatoms PWI 00230298 Water quality - Guidance on mapping extent and density of Zostera and macroalgae beds in the littoral environment TG 7 Mrs. Peaty (UK)