Examples of FRA projects and deliverables


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Presentation transcript:

Examples of FRA projects and deliverables   Goals EU Charter Article Examples of FRA projects and deliverables Poverty Art. 34 – Social security and social assistance EU MIDIS – large scale survey of immigrants and minorities, e.g. related to Muslims Roma – local engagement as well as housing conditions 1 Hunger EU MIDIS – large scale survey of immigrants and minorities, e.g. related to Roma, e.g. regarding ‘going to bed hungry’ 2 Health and well-being Art. 35 – Health care Cost of Exclusion from healthcare – migrants in an irregular situation Multiple discrimination in healthcare 3 Education Art. 14 – Right to education Current migrant situation in the EU: Education Together in the EU – Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants 4 Gender equality Art. 23 – Equality between women and men Violence against women – large scale survey Discrimination against and living conditions of Roma women 5 Water and sanitation Art. 37 Environmental protection EU MIDIS – large scale survey of immigrants and minorities, e.g. related to Roma, e.g. regarding living in housing with tap water and deprivation of basic sanitation 6 Energy Art. 36 – Access to services of general economic interest EU MIDIS – large scale survey of immigrants and minorities, e.g. related to Roma, e.g. regarding housing with electricity 7 Work and economic growth Art. 15 – Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work (+ Arts. 27–32) EU MIDIS – large scale survey of immigrants and minorities, e.g. related to Roma, e.g. regarding discrimination in employment 8 Industry, innovation and infrastructure Art. 16 – Freedom to conduct a business Freedom to conduct a business – a right in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights FRA Opinion – access to remedy in the area of business and human rights 9 Reduced inequalities Art. 21 – Non-discrimination Violence against children with disabilities Discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons 10 Sustainable cities and communities Art. 37 – Environmental protection Joined-up governance toolkit Roma – local engagement 11 Responsible consumption and production Art. 38 – Consumer protection FRA Opinion – access to remedy in the area of business and human rights with close links to consumer protection 12 Climate action FRA Opinion – access to remedy in the area of business and human rights with links to access to justice in environmental cases 13 Life below water 14 Life on land 15 Peace, justice and strong institutions Art. 47 – Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial (+ Arts. 48–50) Handbook on European law related to access to justice Justice for hate crime victims 16 Partnerships for the goals Not applicable Contributions to the work of the European Union as well as the United Nations on the SDGs 17