Meet the Teacher Mr Cassidy Year 6 2018-19
Welcome to Year 6
Now in our third year of new curriculum assessments. Year Six SATS Assessment There will be a parent meeting early next year dedicated to SATS and the process involved. There is no need to worry about any extra material, especially this early on in the year.
Lea Green. All set for week commencing 10th December. A parent meeting will be held after half term to run through the agenda for the week and to answer any questions that are raised Please see me if there is anything that is worrying you or your child about Lea Green, it is a fantastic week that even our most reluctant children enjoyed immensely last year, gaining a real sense of independence.
Maths and English Homework Tasks. We will send home tasks for Maths and English each week to revise what is currently being taught in class. Set on a Friday and handed in by the following Wednesday. ONGOING We really need your support in ensuring that your child is always practicing their times tables at home and that there is active dialogue between you in relation to what they are currently reading.
Rules, Rewards and Sanctions. All children help each other to work towards their class reward day. Rules, Rewards and Sanctions. Children have been actively involved in what they feel are fair sanctions for certain behaviours within class and school. Each child in the class can earn Dojo Points every day, these add up and prizes are given on a termly basis for highest performers.
Year Six Jobs Prefects Eddie’s Angels These jobs are there to create a sense of responsibility and independence within the class.
Home – School links I am extremely keen to keep an active and open line of communication between class teachers and parents. Website: Keep an eye out for updates on here throughout the term Please do come to the office to see me should there be a matter that is of an urgent nature. Use of diaries: any messages or small queries/questions can be added in here. Open door policy – there is no matter too small, don’t allow things to escalate – talk to me!