"Emotion": "An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort & often accompanied by physiological changes; a strong feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love." (American Heritage Dictionary)
Two extremes in religious world. Relying on feeling and ignoring truth. What's "felt in the heart" is placed above Scriptures. Stoic faith, cold, emotionless religion with empty, exercises
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE IMPORTANCE OF EMOTION IN RELIGION Emotions involved in going to heaven Great Bible characters were emotional Moses anger burned Ex 32:19 Joseph's feeling for brethren Gen. 45:1-4 Joshua tore his clothes Josh 7:5-7 Jesus displayed emotions Jhn 11:33-36; Lk 19:41-44; Heb. 5:7-8; Jhn 2:13-16 Paul displayed emotions Acts 20:31; Acts 17:16; 2Cor 7:5-7
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE EMOTION IN PREACHING AND TEACHING God intended gospel to be informative and inspiring Rom 1:16 Avoiding "zeal without knowledge," some go to other extreme of "knowledge without zeal. "Rom. 10:1-2 Peter preached with emotion in Acts 2
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE EMOTION IN DEALING WITH SIN Should be emotional about our own sin 2Cor 7:10; Matt 26:75; Eph 4:17-19; Jer 6:15 Feel grief for those who are lost in sin Rom. 9:1-3; 10:1; Psa 119:136
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE PLACE OF EMOTION IN WORSHIP. Worship in spirit and in truth Jhn 4:24; Matt 15:8-9; Neh 8:8-12 Emotions involved in worship Taking Lord's Supper worthily Prayer with reverence and awe Give cheerfully, with joy and gratitude Sing with spirit & understanding
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE EMOTION IN DEALING WITH BRETHREN Love fervently 1Pet 1:22; Rom 12:10 Feel what others feel 1Cor 12:26; Rom 12:15 An emotional scene Acts 20:36-38
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE WARNINGS REGARDING EMOTIONS Emotionalism becomes wrong when it is the end in and of itself By-product of faith, not foundation of faith Emotions must not modify or become basis of faith Emotions tempered with self-control Gal 5:22-26; 2Pet 1:5-11; 1Cor 14:32 Emotions should never come from artificial means
EMOTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE The faithful are always emotionally involved in the Lord's cause. Early Christians were very emotional, so must we be today. There must be hatred for sin and false doctrine; grief for those lost in sin; love for brethren; sympathy for lonely and distressed; fear of hell; longing for heaven; and emotional in our worship.