Fifth Grade Social Studies 2015-2016 Fifth Grade Social Studies Miss Maeleah White Website: email: Room: 120 You will need a spiral notebook which will be used to take notes/interact on material. These can remain in the binder. The course is designed to cover important events that have shaped the United States, especially Tennessee, from 1850 to the present. You will be viewing and interpreting periods in United States history from various perspectives, including historical, geographical, political, economic, and cultural. Together, these perspectives can help you to understand how the past has led to our present and to appreciate your role in shaping our future. 3-Ring Binder with eight dividers. This binder will be shared with science. The instructor reserves the right to deal with specific late work and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. The general rules that will apply are as follows: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to download the work & notes you missed which can be found on my teacher webpage ( You have 2 days to make up the work or else it will be considered late Late assignments will be deducted 50% Late work will be accepted until the end of each quarter. Study Island assignments will be given and reviewed in class. These can be completed at home, but the students will be given ample time to complete in class. Homework will be given on Tuesdays and will be due on Thursdays. The instructor will reserve the right to change this as needed. A study guide will be given for tests at least two days prior. Quizzes will be given at any time. The Geography Bee and Social Studies Fair are optional but recommended We will watch multiple historically based videos & clips. The video ratings range from G-PG and may contain re-enactments of wars or war like images. If you don’t not feel comfortable having your child view these types of images please let me know. Check planner for assignments everyday, study guides and homework are given on Tuesday and due Thursdays. I will update my teacher webpage daily, here students can find all the assignments and helpful links. You can also email me at Project Be prompt Be productive Be prepared Be positive Be Polite 10 30 60 Classwork & Homework Tests
50 40 Project Classwork & Homework Tests 2015-2016 Website: email: Room: F-208 The course is designed to cover important events that have shaped the United States from 1900 to the present. You will be viewing and interpreting periods in United States history from various perspectives, including historical, geographical, political, economic, and cultural. Together, these perspectives can help you to understand how the past has led to our present and to appreciate your role in shaping our future. Most book work assigned will be done at HOME so leave your textbook at your house unless otherwise notified. The instructor reserves the right to deal with specific late work and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. The general rules that will apply are as follows: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to download the work & notes you missed which can be found on my teacher webpage ( You have 2 days to make up the work or else it will be considered late Late assignments will be deducted 50% Late work will be accepted until the end of each quarter. 3-Ring Binder or loose leaf paper. You don’t need a separate notebook for this class We will watch multiple historically based videos & clips. The video ratings range from G-PG 13 and may contain re-enactments of wars or war like images. If you don’t not feel comfortable having your child view these types of images please let me know. Internet access will be a must for certain homework assignments. A charged smartphone &/or iPad is also strong recommended to bring to class. Remind 101 updates- Make sure you are signed up to get text alerts. Parents and students are encouraged to sign up I will update my teacher webpage daily, here students can find all the assignments and PowerPoints. You can also message me using the Voxer app. If you have a smartphone please download these free apps Project 50 40 Classwork & Homework Tests There will be more apps that you will need to download later