Treatment of obesity drug treatments early – amphetamine


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Presentation transcript:

Treatment of obesity drug treatments early – amphetamine more recent - 5HT drugs Sibutramine (Meridia) jaw wiring surgery

Other end of the spectrum anorexia occurs ~ 1% females –typically teens to 20’s bulimia – harder to estimate – more likely 4% or so affected

Criterion for Anorexia Weight: 15 % below ideal body weight. Refusal to maintain a normal weight or above normal weight for height and age. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight. Body Image Problems 4. No Periods for at least 3 months

The illness typically occurs in teen or early 20’s 86% report onset of illness by the age of 20 • 10% report onset at 10 years or younger 33% report onset between ages of 11-15 43% report onset between ages of 16-20

This is an illness that persists for many people. Only 50% report being cured 77% report duration from one to fifteen years 30% report duration from one to five years 31% report duration from six to ten years 16% report duration from eleven to fifteen years It is estimated that six percent of serious cases die

Bulimia Binge Eating -a few to several thousand calories within a few hours - a feeling that one cannot stop eating although one desires to 2. Purging -vomiting, laxatives, diuretics or excessive exercise 3. Binging and Purging occurs more than 2 x a week for at least 3 months 4.Body Image : Self evaluation and self esteem is overly influenced by weight and shape

There are many diseases, disorders, and problem conditions involving food, eating, and weight. Dieting teens: More than ½ teenaged girls are, or think they should be, on diets. About 3% become anorexic or bulimic.

What are the underlying causes?

Also recent data on altered 5HT function No real pharmacotherapy appears effective