French and Indian War (1754-1763) Part I - Parliament gave Ohio Co. rights over land in the Ohio Valley - England sent George Washington (surveyor) to ask the French who were settled in the area to leave (they said no) - Washington was sent back to build Ft. Necessity * found that the French had already built Ft. Duquesne * Washington attacked a French scouting party * French retaliated by attacking Ft. Necessity * Washington surrendered and French formed an alliance with neighboring Indians (Delaware, Shawnee) * British aligned with Iroquois Albany Plan (1754) - Ben Franklin wanted an alliance made up of reps from all 13 colonies - the chief negotiator would be chosen by the king
- it’s purpose would be to discuss/settle terms of interest to the Indians and colonists about frontier, defense, trade, land - slogan was ‘Join or Die!’ - it didn’t work because * colonies were not willing to give up control * weren’t willing to pool resources in military, finances, political authority Part II - tensions increased between British/French - Major Ed Braddock (British) planned an attack on the French * attacked Ohio Valley, Mohawk Valley, French Acadia * British won, pushed the French down to New Orleans (creating a distinct Cajun culture) - 1756: Britain and France officially declare war on each other * affected North America, Caribbean, Pacific and India * spread into Europe and became known as the ‘Seven Years War’ or the ‘Great War for Empire’
The War - French fought with guerilla warfare * soldiers were made up of French, Canadian, Indians and exiled Irish - British fought in traditional formation * forced colonists to fight in the militia - William Pitt became Sec. of State in England in 1757 * offered colonists a deal to help pay for their war efforts * promised reimbursements to the colonial assemblies in proportion to their contributions * sent 1000 new British troops to the colonies to fight the French - Washington took over Ft. Duquesne (French) and renamed it Ft. Pitt (Pittsburgh) - Battle of Quebec (1759) * British won - French surrendered on September 8, 1760 in North America (the fighting continued in Europe for another 3 years)
Treaty of Paris 1763 - France regained its claims in the West Indies (sugar), lost all claims to land east of the Mississippi River and gave Spain all land west of the MS plus port of New Orleans - Britain gained Spanish Florida, Canada and all land east of the Mississippi River Effects of the War - Britain won - marks the end of France’s North American empire - Native Americans suffer - British debts rise Pontiac’s War (1760-1761) - Native Americans were upset at treatment by the British - Tribes organized together and attacked Ft. Niagara, went on a killing spree and murdered over 2,000 white settlers - Gen. Amherst sent in smallpox infected blankets to kill them
Proclamation of 1763 - was issued by the British/colonial governments as a response to Pontiac’s War * land west of Appalachian Mountains off-limits to settlers * colonists upset (profitable land for settlement) * most ignored the rule