THE PORTUGUESE STRATEGIC CYCLE National Plan 2005-2012 Drafted after the EU Drugs Strategy (2005-2012) Action Plan 2006-2008 Action Plan 2009-2012
National Plan and 2008 Action Plan Designing IDT’s Strategic Plan 2005-2012 National Plan on Drugs and Drug Addiction 2008 Action Plan 8 Working Groups comprising IDT and 17 Public Entities 60 Experts directly involved Interministerial Council’s Technical Commission and National Council on Drugs and Drug Addiction Interministerial Council Este slide é o mesmo processo do slide anterior, apenas mais actual
Transversal Areas Mission Areas National Plan Against Drugs and Drug Addiction 2005-2012 Transversal Areas Coordination International Cooperation Information, Research, Training and Evaluation Law Restructuring Mission Areas Demand Reduction Prevention Dissuasion Harm Reduction Treatment Reintegration Supply Reduction
Demand Reduction New Paradigm Citizen focused Territoriality Integrated Approaches and Responses Quality improvement and certification mechanisms Quality improvement and certification mechanisms extended to all Transversal Areas
Evaluation on the National Plan Evaluation foreseen as: Monitoring and feed-back process in order to ensure: Permanent adaptation to field reality Adaptation to financial and human resources availability and constrains
Evaluation on the National Plan Internal and External Evaluation Process evaluation Results evaluation Impact evaluation (when possible)
Evaluation on the National Plan Internal Evaluation Subcomission on Follow Up and Evaluation Continuous and permanent monitoring by the National Council
The Portuguese National Drug Coordination Structure 11 Ministers Prime Minister Interministerial Council Technical Commission National Council (Representatives from 21 Civil Society Bodies) Ministers Representatives Sub-commissions Health Minister National Coordinator Sub-commissions Madeira and Azores Autonomous Regions and Municipalities Judicial Council General Public Attorney Universities, Schools, Parents, Pupils, Churches Associations ONG’s and Others 10
Follow Up and Evaluation Subcomission on Follow Up and Evaluation National Coordinator and the Coordinators of Subcomissions’ International Cooperation Information, Research, Training Working Environment Intervention Law Restructuring Prevention Dissuasion Harm Reduction Treatment Reintegration Supply Reduction
Interministerial Council Monitoring and Evaluation 10 Sub-commissions Interministerial Council National Council Technical Commission 36 Entities represented 88 Persons directly involved 2008 Action Plan on Drugs Internal Evaluation 2009-2012 Action Plan on Drugs Including representatives from the National Council and the Social end Economic Council
Internal Evaluation Conclusions From October 2006 to June 2008 On going monitoring was concluded at the end of 2008 with mid term Internal Evaluation focused on the Action Plan 2008
Process Evaluation – 87 Objectives arranged around 246 Actions Internal Evaluation Process Evaluation – 87 Objectives arranged around 246 Actions General Evaluation Questionnaire Results Evaluation Based on goals attained Impact Evaluation Comparison of key indicators in 2004 and 2007 (Annual Reports published in 2005 and 2008) SWOT Analysis Public Expenditure Analysis Between 2006 and 2008 13
Internal Evaluation Conclusions Process Evaluation Action Plan 2008 grids: 87 objectives arranged around 246 actions, of which 210 Actions fully accomplished, 18 actions partially accomplished, 14 actions not accomplished and 4 actions disclaimed Based on the internal evaluation a leaner Action Plan 2009-2012 was drafted : 70 Objectives arranged around 218 Actions (approved May 26th 2010)
General Evaluation Questionnaire Results Evaluation Impact Evaluation Internal Evaluation Conclusions SWOT Analysis S: Inter-institutions cooperation W: Too many objectives and actions O: Restructuring IDT T: Dissuasion new law frame not General Evaluation Questionnaire Coordination Structure Results Evaluation 19 Results, of which 2 were not attained Impact Evaluation ……………………………………….. Public Expenditure Analysis Subcomission on Public Expenditures
Evaluation on the National Plan External Evaluation External entity Methodology Multidisciplinar team, inclunding foreign experts Articulation with the Subcomission on Evaluation and Follow Up External evaluation will be drafted specifications by an external entity selected following a call for tender
INSTITUTE ON DRUGS AND DRUG ADDICTION, P.I. Thank you for your attention SERVIÇOS CENTRAIS Praça de Alvalade, nº 7 - 5º ao 13º 1700-036 Lisboa Telef. 21 111 91 00 / 21 111 90 99 Fax: 21 111 27 95
International Cooperation Subcomissions New Structure Drugs and Alcohol International Cooperation Demand Reduction Prevention, Communication, Information, and Training Working Environment Intervention Road Sinistrality Reintegration and Treatment Data and Research Dissuasion Supply Reduction Crime and Security Self-regulation, Marketing, Publicity, Taxes and Supervision