Welcome to CCTN’05 June 26, 2005 Gothenburg, Sweden Welcome to CCTN2005, Gothenburg, Sweden My name is Hisashi Nakamura, Research organization for information science and technology ,Tokyo Japan. I would like to address the opening of Computational Challenges and tools for nanotubes 2005 on behalf of organizers.
The Great Collaborator Sponsored by Atomistix and NTO5 Organizers G. Cuniberti Regensburg University, Germany K. Stokbro Atomistix, Denmark H. Nakamura RIST, Japan The Great Collaborator D. Tomanek Michigan State University, USA Sponsored by Atomistix and NTO5 As organizers, G. Cunniberti Regensburg University Germany , K. Stokboro, Atomostic,Denmark and I, have worked so far for this meeting since the beginning of this year. The initiation of this idea came from our discussion with Tomanek, about the recent trend of progressing of simulation capability supported by on high-end computer technology. Thus we totally agreed with that it is the best time for scientists of nanotubes to exchange information on computational challenges and tools fro CNT reseraches
Purpose of the workshop Chance of panoramic view of the recent Computational challenges and Tools for Nanotubes in the world Chance to exchange hot information on computational approaches Take a chance for collaborating with simulation software & technology folks, and for finding New and frontier paths for future science So this meeting has a general purposes as Firstly, to present all of you a chance to panoramic view on the Recent challenging works of computational theory and tools Secondly, to arrange the Chance to exchange hot information on computational approaches Thirdly, to make all of you Take chance for collaborating with simulation software & technology folks, And finaliy, for finding new and frontier paths for future scienece So, We hope you to get a new chance to advance your research through this meeting and enjoy it..
APS like talks 12 minutes talk + 3 minutes discussion So this meeting has a general purposes as Firstly, to present all of you a chance to panoramic view on the Recent challenging works of computational theory and tools Secondly, to arrange the Chance to exchange hot information on computational approaches Thirdly, to make all of you Take chance for collaborating with simulation software & technology folks, And finaliy, for finding new and frontier paths for future scienece So, We hope you to get a new chance to advance your research through this meeting and enjoy it..
Enjoy it !! Ok it is time to start then introduce the great chair person for the first Session, Prof. Dr. ********. Thank you very much .