“The Truth Concerning the Occult!” Truth Matters “The Truth Concerning the Occult!” 1 John 4:1-6
The occult? What is it and why are we hearing so much about it these days?... In short, we (Christians) must forsake any and all involvement in the occult.
How can we forsake what we don’t understand How can we forsake what we don’t understand? How can we do battle against an enemy we don’t even recognize? That’s the whole point of our text…
to better understand the truth concerning the occult Purpose: to better understand the truth concerning the occult
I What is the OCCULT? A. Defining the Term B. Illustrating the Term
Saul consults a witch…. (1 Samuel 28)
Isaiah 8:19 “And when they say to you, ‘Consult the mediums and the wizards who whisper and mutter,’ should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?”
II Why is the Occult GROWING?
Better than 1/3… 2 million Ouija… 100,000 seances… 4. 1st Satanic Church…
II Why is the Occult GROWING? A. Growing Fascination with the Unknown B. Growing Need to Have Purpose/Meaning
The occult promises the ability to manipulate supernatural forces which gives a sense of power and purpose…
II Why is the Occult GROWING? A. Growing Fascination with the Unknown B. Growing Need to Have Purpose/Meaning C. Growing Desire for Some- thing that Works/Feels Good
In the song “You Light Up My Life” is the phrase: “It can’t be wrong, if it feels so right…”
II Why is the Occult GROWING? A. Growing Fascination with the Unknown B. Growing Need to Have Purpose/Meaning C. Growing Desire for Some- thing that Works/Feels Good D. Satan Behind Occult’s Growth
Growth of the occult today can be summed up as the coordinated effort of Satan to lead men… away from Christ!
III How Should We RESPOND? A. Should We Even Study This?
“There are two equal and opposite errors into which Christians might fall in their dealing with Satan…”
III How Should We RESPOND? A. Should We Even Study This? B. What Our Text Says
“…resist the devil and he will flee from you…” James 4:7 “…resist the devil and he will flee from you…”
…The church, we are assured, has no place for a “Gloomy Gus” or a “Negative Nelly.” Is this true?
The church is like a car battery The church is like a car battery. It must have positive AND negative poles in order to function properly…
Conclusion and Summary: God help us to be positive in Christ and His Word… God help us to be negative to Satan and his falsehood being promoted through the occult today. This brethren, and friend, is the truth concerning the occult!