The future of our lodges Where are we with the Provincial Project in Taunton?
So far A meeting was held in November 2014 when 7 of the 9 Taunton Lodges were represented primarily by Lodge Secretaries THE FIRST TIME EVER THAT LODGE REPRESENTATIVES HAD MET TOGETHER TO DISCUSS THE ISSUES OF RETENTION & RECRUITMENT
The meeting agreed To work together to support the Provincial Project but not lose sight that ALL Lodges are Individual Lodges would seek the views of their members using the Provincial questionnaire Responses would be reviewed by Lodge Secretaries who would use the information to support proposals for the Strategic Plan
Feedback from the survey Response from the survey were poor (On average 25% of Lodge members responded) Most Brethren are happy with their Freemasonry in Taunton & don’t see any need to change Some members would be happy to have a buffet meal sometimes The number of toast @ the festive boards needs to be reduced & taking wine.
Feedback from the survey The number of meetings is about right The time that meetings start is ok, but an early start is helpful to some Brethren. The Provincial guidance about finishing meetings has reduced the time of meetings/ festive boards Festive Boards have Knife & Fork Groups who only want to sit together - and they tend not to visit other Lodges very often
Feedback from the survey Roles within Lodges needs to be more descriptive and posts are sometimes viewed as a sinecure. Retention of members is not generally seen as a major issue in Taunton Members not attending meetings IS a major issue Recruitment is primarily by word of mouth, via friends or relatives Brethren are reluctant to take office because of time, fear of making mistakes. Masonry does not concern it’s self about mistakes but applauds effort.
Why do we lose members Are we too “cliquey” ? If some members think there is a clique running the Lodge, then there is How do we choose / announce Officers? “The only nomination…” ? How do we think about who to ask - do we see them (= vet them) as Officers ?
Why do we loose members The regular quest for money…? Do we tend to lose those who don’t visit ? Families ? Open the door ! Ladies’ evenings / weekends ? Are Past Masters Committee’s too big to grow?
Richard Huish 1994>2015
Using the name Taunton Masonic Centre (TMC) proposals Joint working with the Taunton Masonic Hall Company to promote Freemasonry as well as managing the building Using the name Taunton Masonic Centre (TMC) Have a standing invitation for new Brethren to visit other Lodges to view the ceremony that they have just completed. Really work the invitations –reinvigorate existing membership to reduce drop-out
proposals Making more use of the local press A Joint Press Officer / Information Officer for Taunton Masons who would become a Director of TMHCo A communal TMC on social media A Open Day once a Year at the TMC Gentleman's Evening, for all Taunton Lodges Funding from Province for an Advertising Campaign
proposals Reinstatement of Schools Evenings Pilot Buffet style meals @ Festive Boards Training for newly appointed officers – more than just the handbook Individual Mentors / Buddy for new Brethren All Lodge members who do not attend meeting will be contacted at least twice a year
proposals Who has joined & then left quickly after joining over a 10 year period, why? What can we do to reduce these numbers? Do we keep in touch with these people after they have left? Do we ask junior brethren about taking office in the future? Some ideas will work others won’t
Next step Meet again after the Provincial meeting tonight Review our proposals Add / amend our proposal's Invite Lodge members to comment Prepare final draft for Provincial approval by 31st March 2015