You must show all steps of your working out. Work out the answer to: 13− 2 2 +(3− -5)×2 You must show all steps of your working out.
13− 2 2 +(3− -5)×2 =13 − 2 2 +8×2=13 −4+8×=13−4+16 =25
You must show all steps of your working out. Work out the answer to: 2 × (−3) 2 −4×(−8) You must show all steps of your working out.
2 × (−3) 2 −4×(−8) =2×9−4× −8 =18−-32 =18+32 =50
You must show all steps of your working out. Work out the answer to: −3+1 2 +4 You must show all steps of your working out.
−3+1 2 +4 = −2 2 +4 =−1+4 =3
You must show all steps of your working out. Work out the answer to: 1− 2 7−5 +4× 4 3−1 You must show all steps of your working out.
1− 2 7−5 +4× 4 3−1 =1 − 2 2 +4× 4 2 =1 −1+4×2 =1−1+8 =8