10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
To Build A Workspace For Use With GeoPackager: 10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace To Build A Workspace For Use With GeoPackager: 1. Open the tables and windows you want in your workspace. Size and position them as you please. Create your base map first. 2. Choose File>Save Workspace As. 3. Name your workspace “anything you want” and save the workspace into the PWOR folder within your project. 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Working With Text In MapInfo 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Working With Text In MapInfo 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
To Build A Workspace For Use With GeoPackager: 10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace To Build A Workspace For Use With GeoPackager: 1. Open the tables and windows you want in your workspace. Size and position them as you please. Create your base map first. 2. Choose File>Save Workspace As. 3. Name your workspace “anything you want” and save the workspace into the PWOR folder within your project. 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com
10th Annual GeoElections Conference Building A Workspace The End Any Questions? 10th Annual GeoElections Conference www.icwmaps.com