5 Behaviour Policy Stages....


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Presentation transcript:

5 Behaviour Policy Stages...

Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Resilience, House Points THE ZONE! Pupil of the Week Values Cup Lunch time top table If you are IN THE ZONE, you are entitled to any of our school rewards as you are showing the correct behaviours and our school values.

Level One… Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 If you move out of THE ZONE then you are no longer entitled to any of our school rewards…until you get back into THE ZONE that is. Stage 1 That’s One! Your name is moved on the class chart. Level One… That’s Two! Your name is moved on the class chart. Oh dear, we shouldn’t need two reminders. Stage 2 That’s Three! You now need a time out for 5 minutes to reflect on how to get back into THE ZONE. These 5 minutes will have to be paid back during break. Stage 3

You have received two 3s in one week. Oh dear. You are still not back in THE ZONE! This is a bit more serious now. You have received two 3s in one week. Level Two… Parents will be spoken to and informed of your behaviour. They will be involved in every Level after this. This will also be logged by your teacher in a behaviour book which will be checked by the school leadership team.

If behaviour improves, return to THE ZONE. Three 3s received Unfortunately you are still not back in THE ZONE. This is not good news and means that the sanctions now need to be escalated. You really need to prove yourself now. You and your parents attend a meeting where a Green report card is set up for one week. This is completed daily with your teacher and shown to leadership at the end of the week. If behaviour improves, return to THE ZONE. One week’s timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Level Three… One week’s timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday If behaviour doesn’t improve, you are moved to an Orange report card for a week. You report to Leadership daily. If behaviour improves then you are moved to Green for another week. Keep it up then you are back to THE ZONE. One week’s timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday If behaviour doesn’t improve, you are moved to a Red report card for a week. You report to the Head daily. If behaviour improves then you are moved to Orange for another week then Green. Keep it up then you are back to THE ZONE.

Level 4 Still no improvement… Behaviour hasn’t improved despite lots of support from everyone. At this point, a discussion is had about whether you are welcome to attend our school anymore. Level 4