Fundamentals of Law and Government The Political Process: Political Parties, Interest Groups and Social Movements, Communications Media, Elections and Electoral System
Political parties What are political parties? What is the purpose of political parties? What is the difference between pragmatic and ideogical political parties? What is the difference between interest and personal political parties?
What are establishment, antiestablishment and antisystem political parties? What is a one-party system? What is the two-party system? What is the multiparty system? How do political parties perform in nondemocratic countries?
Elections What are elections? What is the purpose of elections? Why elections are so important? Are elections limited only to democratic countries? What are the conditions of honest elections?
Social Movements What are the social movements? Is there a single definition of a social movement? What is the history of social movements?
How does the social movement work? What is a civil disobedience? Is there a conection beteen civil disobedience and social movements?
Elites What is the elite? What kind of elites are there? What is the circulation of elites? What is the iron law of oligarchy?
Communications Media What are communications media? Why the communications media are important? How do the communications media influence on politics? Is it important to know who controls or owns the communications media? What is a fake news?