IFLA LRM adopted! Top congress news! Professional Committee endorsed IFLA LRM on Friday August 18 (1 week ago) August 2017 version as presently on the IFLA site (posted around Aug. 5) After IFLA the endorsement will be noted on the title page, no other changes will be done Virtually identical to the Dec. 2016 draft text released to RSC+
Details of last updates Between March 2017 text (previously posted publicly and as submitted to CoS for approval) and August 2017: Only addition of reference to Transition Mappings final document in bibliography (ch.8) and full title given at end of section 2.4 Addition of subtitle and summary on t.p. Changes of paper size, font, page and line breaks, and the date
Changes after December 2016 (1) LRM-R3 (Expression is embodied in Manifestation), reword definition to avoid "includes" as it is not whole-part "links an expression with a manifestation in which the expression appears" LRM-R18 (work has-part): removed an example LRM-R23 (expression has-part): added an example of an audiobook with parts (only other example was music)
Changes after December 2016 (2) Section 5.7 & 5.8: "An aggregate is a manifestation embodying multiple expressions" (removed word "distinct")
Changes after December 2016 (purely formal) Changed dates to 2017 Section 1.1: adjustment to approval process as formal CATS approval not required In LRM-E8 (Collective agent) definition, added missing italics on the word person Table 4.4 Attributes: formatting of columns to allow longer lines in scope notes and examples Section 4.3.4: Editorial in introduction before sorted table of relationships by domain
What's next? First on FRBR RG proposed action plan: Revised FRBRoo version 2.4 to conform to LRM Likely change title to LRMoo Chain reaction will affect other extensions now using FRBRoo v.2.4 FRBR, FRAD, FRSAD considered superceded
Bibliographic standards landscape Fitting together from conceptual model to other IFLA standards: ICP revision relaunched MulDiCat editorial will need to include LRM terms ISBD review Etc. Etc.
Some remarks about LRM Entity-relationship means entities, attributes, relationships How do user tasks fit in? A model as distinct from a content standard LRM is not meant to answer all questions Cannot define cataloguing levels Cannot specify rules, conventions, methods for recording data Cannot address sources of information
Focus on attributes https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/cataloguing/frbr- lrm/ifla-lrm-august-2017.pdf