The CJK IT Standards Meeting July 5~7, 2004, Seoul, Korea NGN-Working Group - Moderation and ToR - The CJK IT Standards Meeting July 5~7, 2004, Seoul, Korea Telecommunications Technology Association
Table of Contents Temporary Agreed ToR Future Plan After last November proposal Temporary Agreed ToR Future Plan
After the last November CJK 1. Moderator and Contact points Mission : Preparation of Building NGN-WG Moderator : Chae-Sub,LEE (TTA) Contact Point : Kazuo SASAKI(TTC), Susumu SASAKI(ARIB), Liu DUO(CCSA) 2. Activity report of Correspondence Group Proposed ToR : Prepared by Moderator Review of ToR : Two Times Result : Agreed to set up NGN-WG Agreed at modified ToR
Temporary Agreed ToR 1. Rationale Urgent needs for information exchange regarding NGN Current NGN-related development in each country such as VoIP, using BB access methods Secure the end-to-end communication over the NGN Note various worldwide NGN standardization activities (JRG-NGN, NGN-PP and NGN-FG)
Temporary Agreed ToR 2. Objectives and Scope Exchange information regarding NGN-related activities of each country, e.g., BB access penetration, VoIP deployment, multimedia service, etc, Respect the spirit of GSC9 resolution 9/2, NGN, accelerate the standardization activities in each country and contribute to ITU-T, where globally consistent NGN-related standards will be developed, Regularly exchange the status of NGN-related standard development, which should align with ITU-T global standards, in each country, so that maximum commonality of NGN-related standards would be achieved and consequently end-to-end multimedia service would be provided over future NGN among CJK countries,
Temporary Agreed ToR 2. Objectives and Scope (cont’d) Based on the draft NGN-related standards a series of conformance testing could be planned among interested parties to confirm interconnectivity and interoperability of NGN networks in order to assure end-to-end service provision. Collect information on NGN-related standards development in other Asia-Pacific countries and other regions, and exchange it among CJK countries to cooperate regionally and globally as well as to pursue regional and global commonality.
Temporary Agreed ToR 3. Study Issues Area Study Issues Requirements and Architecture Service requirements and Architecture Overall Functional Architecture Transport Network Architecture QoS Requirements and Architecture Others Services CoS (Class of Services) classification Voice services over NGN Video Telephony services over the NGN Video Distribution services over the NGN Control and Management Control Mechanism and relevant Protocols Management Mechanism and relevant Protocols Traffic Engineering Mechanism OAM
Temporary Agreed ToR 3. Study Issues (Cont’d) Area Study Issues Interworking Interworking Scenarios and relevant Protocols Interworking with existing networks/services Interworking with Wireless networks/services System requirements of IWU (Interworking Unit) Others Identification Addressing Principle and its Mechanism Interworking among different ID systems such as Naming, Addressing and Numbering etc.
Temporary Agreed ToR 3. Study Issues (Cont’d) NGN Test-Bed Principles and Frameworks for NGN Test-Bed Test-Bed Requirements and Configuration Model Systems Requirements and its Specifications Interface Specifications Test Scenarios and relevant Specifications Others
Temporary Agreed ToR 4. Time Plan : Kick Off NGN-WG (July 2004) 5. Working Methos Questions with target deliverables Based on written contribution (before 3 days of the meeting) Paperless Meeting 6. Proposed Structure Chair Secretary Test-Bed Sub-Gr. Tec. Coord. (Q1) Tec. Coord. (Q x)