NORTH AMERICAN GINSENG ROOT (Panax quinquefolium) Chike Azike Department of Physiology and Pharmacology University of Western Ontario
Pharmacological Activities: Traditional Use -Tonic, Energy Booster, Stress Reducer and Adaptogen that help restore the body back to balance and health. Clinical Use -CVT-E002 (Cold-FX) preparation, a proprietary extract of North American (NA) Ginseng Root is used clinically for the prevention and treatment of common cold and influenza. Pharmacological Activities: -Anti-oxidant, -Anti-tumour, -Hypoglycaemic -Anti-inflammatory -Immunostimulative -Cardio-protective -Neuroprotective -Cytoprotective
Components of North American Ginseng Root Ginsenosides Polysaccharides Peptides Fatty acids Polyacetylenic alcohols
POLYSACCHARIDES Polysaccharides are naturally occurring polymers composed of various monosaccharides linked together through glucosidic / glycosidic bonds. They possess complex structures because there are many types of inter-sugar linkages involving different monosaccharide residues
MEDICINAL IMPORTANCE OF POLYSACCHARIDES Most plant-derived polysaccharides are relatively non-toxic, do not cause significant side effects, which is a major problem associated with synthetic compounds. Polysaccharides of medicinal plants origin have emerged as an important class of bioactive natural products with the following pharmacological activities: -Antitumour -Immunodulation -Anti-inflammation -Anticoagulation -Hypoglycemia -Antiviral This makes them ideal candidates for broad spectrum therapeutics.
Investigated parameters which have been shown to affect the biological activity of polysaccharides are: -State of purity, -Chemical structure -Charge/solubility -Molecular weight (MW) -Degree of branching (DB) -Conformation Extraction, isolation and fractionation processes can influence the yield, purity, sugar composition, molecular weight, conformations degree of branching, acidity and chemical structure of bioactive polysaccharides.
CVT Technology Patent for making North American Ginseng Extract and Fractions, Processes of Preparing Ginseng Fractions CVT-E002, PQ2 and PQ223 1000g of dried ground root of NA Ginseng root Extracted with 85% Ethanol (8 Litres) 95-100◦C for 3 Hours Alcohol solution Residue (Ginsenosides) Combined with H2O (1:8) and extracted at 95-100◦C for 3hrs Cooled to Room Temp and Centrifuged Residue Supernatant Concentrated and freeze dried CVT-E002 Polysaccharides 100g CVT-E002 in 2000ml H2O treated with 95% ethanol (1600ml) Precipitate Polysaccharide PQ1 (MW 70,000) Supernatant Conc. 500ml Supernatant Treated with 95% ethanol (1000ml) Supernatant Precipitate Concentrated and Freeze dried Isolated and Freeze dried PQ3 Polysaccharide (MW 1,000) PQ2 Polysaccharide(MW20,000–60,000) Fractionate with Gel Filtration Chromatography and Elute with 0.1N HCl & 0.3NaCl buffer pH 7 PQ2A Polysaccharide PQ2B Polysaccharide Combining PQ2A and PQ2B PQ223 Polysaccharide