OMES General Safety Risk Management Risk Coordinator: Desmond Clark: Phone- (405)521-4004 Email-
OMES General Safety Safety is everyone’s responsibility Emergency Evacuation/ Shelter in place Supervisor shall inform you of designated gathering location in the event of an emergency Treat all alarms as if they were real
OMES General Safety Report Hazards, Near Misses, & Incidents Notify supervisor immediately Do not wait until there is an incident before you report a hazard Hazard- Condition or set of circumstances that present a potential harm. Incident- An unplanned event that causes injury, illness, or property damage. Near Miss- Injury or damage could have occurred but did not.
OMES General Safety Housekeeping Traveling Do not block doorways or walkways with clutter Keep workstation free of clutter to reduce risk of fire Traveling Do not use cell phone while operating a vehicle Do not drive in excess of the speed limit. Follow state laws! Questions?- If you have questions, concerns or you don’t feel comfortable with a task STOP and speak with your supervisor