ARE YOU A UAF or UAA NURSING STUDENT? YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE $250 per month! APPLY NOW for the RECRUITING AND RETENTION OF ALASKA NATIVES INTO NURSING (RRANN) STIPEND PROGRAM RRANN is offering Financial Assistance/ stipends for qualified NURSING students (AAS & BS). You must meet 2 criteria : 1. Be admitted to UAA as a nursing BS OR AAS in NURSING. 2. BE ALASKA NATIVE or AMERICAN INDIAN. Documented by either a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or proof of enrollment and/or descendant of an original enrollee under section 5 of the Alaska Native’s Claims Settlement Act. If you meet the program requirements you earn a monthly check for up to $250 while enrolled in the UAA pre nursing program. That’s approximately $1,000.00 for a full time nursing student per semester! For more information contact: Robin L. Frank Student Success Advisor UAF Community and Technical College 604 Barnette Street phone (907) 455-2871 toll-free (877) 882-8827